Saturday, December 31, 2011

Power of Embracing Change

This is an article written by my good friend and chiropractor extraordinaire, David Jockers. As you read it, you will see why I have the greatest respect for him.
Be blessed and we'll meet again tomorrow. Let's make this the year to Change UP!

I love New Year’s Day. I love this time of the year, not for the parties and hoopla, but I love this day for what it represents.  This day represents something incredible that makes up the very fabric of who we are as human beings.

New Year’s Day represents tradition and change.  The ability for us as human beings to embrace and create change in the way we think, act, and live is an extraordinarily powerful tool to living the life of our dreams.

The whole living world depends on change.  This is why we have 4 seasons in the year, why different plants grow at different periods, why fallen leaves thousands of years ago are now oil hidden deep in the earth’s core.  Everything in life has a birth/death/rebirth cycle.
To live is to change.  Our bodies are in a constant and never-ending state of change.  Ever day, 100 billion cells are destroyed and replaced throughout our body.  Our entire physiology is based upon the anticipation of change, and the adaptation process that follows.

If we want to create change in our bodies, to increase our strength and lose weight, we have to train our bodies with the appropriate frequency and intensity.  The same is true for our mind.  Our mind depends on continuous growth enhancing activities in order to mature correctly.

Creating lasting change depends on a level of trust in the process of change.
Belief or Faith:  Most of us live as though we believe the attitudes and actions we have had in the past predict the attitudes and actions we will have in the future.  This is not necessarily so.  We have to strongly believe that we can and will change for the better, and we make this decision at any instant.
As Jesus said, “With the faith of a mustard seed you will move mountains.”

A mustard seed knows why it was created.  It only believes one thing, that it will grow and blossom into a mustard plant.  God sees us as victors of our circumstances, as champions of our endeavors, as his beloved children, royalty and heirs to the throne.  Faith is to see ourselves as He does and act in accordance.

Embrace the changes that are coming and make 2012 the year you overcame the excuses and accomplished the dream in your heart. 

Thanks David!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Power of Bruises

Key Scripture:  “In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound.  Isaiah 30:26
Power Point:
When I was young, I had a beautiful horse named Jinx. I loved to ride her but we lived on a farm and in order to catch her to be able to take my ride, I had to ply her with sugar cubes, carrots and apples and then sometimes she still wouldn’t come. One day, a friend and I were riding her bareback when an empty hay wagon came up our lane. It terrified Jinx and off she went. My friend Elaine was holding on to me for dear life but she began to fall off and pulled me with her. Flashes of the long hours it took me to catch Jinx in the first place flashed through my mind as I held tightly to the reins and she circled around me as I lay on the gravel. Because the wagon kept coming, she got even more upset and stepped on my back at which point I wisely decided to let her go. 
I had a hoof print on my back for a little while, but as you can see the memory still remains.
Sometimes we have things in our lives that leave “hoof prints”.  They leave their mark. If you are wise, you will allow them to heal and fade away. If you are not wise, you will keep pressing the sore area, reminding yourself of what has happened. The thing about that hoof print is that because it was on my back I couldn’t see it but everyone else could. The thing about the painful things we allow to stay in our lives is that often we can’t see them but everyone else can.
Bitterness and anger and resentment are ugly evidences of the marks in our lives, which we refuse to deal with, and allow to heal. It’s like adding yeast to flour and water and watching it “rise” up. When you refuse to release the past it always “rises up” in your future.
Holy Spirit is especially good at helping you heal from the wounds of your past.  He actually knows just what to do to set your free from that bruised heart. Why don’t you give Him a chance to do just that today? It would be a great way to begin your New Year, don’t you think?
Power Thought:
Unhealed wounds only become infected and fester, affecting everything around them.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Power of A Life Preserver

Key Scripture: “And Jesus replied, “Have faith in God, constantly.” Mark 11:22 Amplified Bible
Power Point:
Sometimes we are just silly aren’t we? Sometimes we can be in the “middle of a major muddle” and totally forget to remember what God has told us to do.  Duh!
It’s similar to a scenario where I have a cold and I go to the doctor and He gives me a prescription for medicine to help me get better. I buy it, take it home and then decide it probably won’t work so I leave it on the shelf.  I pass by it daily, and remember the physician telling me that this medicine would make me “all better”. But I don’t believe in what he said enough to try it.
The Great Physician has told us very clearly that it is His word, His truth, His promises, and our belief in all that power that sets us free. Yet I see many people with dusty bibles on their coffee table. I remember a friend, who gave a New Testament as a gift this Christmas only to have the young girl look a bit confused, and say, “I think we have a Bible somewhere.
Is your Bible “somewhere” or is it in a “treasured” place? Jesus said, “If you live in Me, and My words continue to live in your hearts, then…  We tend to forget the requirements for the “then” to be released. The answer to your problems is in His word. The amount of time that you spend trying to figure out your issues would be better spent in immersing yourself in what God has to say about it, don’t you think?, God says His word never returns void, without accomplishing its task. That's a pretty powerful statement.  Do you believe it? Well then-take that Bible off the shelf or out of that drawer, dust it off and open it up. It truly is your life preserver Beloved. It’s all there in black and white. If you started by just reading the words in red in the new testament- the actual words that Jesus said, it could change your life.
The Great Physician has already given us the prescription for health, wholeness, prosperity, deliverance, rescue, victory, etc. etc. etc.  Don't you think you should take it?  
It will make everything “all better”. Thumbs up to that!
Power Thought:
Your faith will grow as you hear and read and believe and act on what He says. If you don't, it won't.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Power of Exercise

Key Scripture:  “Blessed-happy, to be envied and spiritually prosperous (that is possessing the happiness produced by experience of God’s favor and especially conditioned by the revelation of His grace, regardless of their outward conditions)- are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!   Matthew 5:8, Amplified Bible
Power Point:
The heart is a very powerful organ. I mean, now really, where would we be without one?  I have known people whose heart “has failed” them at times, either physically or emotionally. The “life” just stops coming out. The thing about hearts is that they need proper food and they need exercise. They also need to be “guarded” by making sure that only good things enter in.  Did you know that your heart responds to your emotions? In the Greek, the word for heart means the “center of the issues of life”. I guess that means that if your heart is blessed, (happy and conditioned by the fact of God’s faithfulness) you will look at life differently from someone who has not “guarded their heart”.
A blessed heart sees problems differently. It sees God as bigger than those problems. A blessed heart is connected by the Blood of Jesus to God Himself, and God has given that person a new heart that sees and understands Him. In Ezekiel 36, God says, “I will give you a “new” heart and a “new” spirit.” What a great exchange. I was pretty tired of the one I had. Now my heart has the privilege of releasing God thoughts, and God emotions, and Godly wisdom and as a result I SEE Him. I can allow Him to bring His life into my heart, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Wow! That’s a very good thing.
Our spiritual hearts need to be exercised just as our physical hearts do.
I can “exercise” my heart muscle by loving with God’s love.
I can “exercise” my heart muscle by forgiving with God’s forgiveness.
I can “exercise” my heart muscle by offering God’s grace.
As I do that, my “new” heart becomes stronger and more like His because I’m letting His Life issue His Life from my heart. Jesus was pretty clear that when you look at things from His perspective your “whole body” will be full of light. That’s what He did for us, Beloved, gave us His own heart and His own mind so that our “whole bodies” will be full of light.  We SEE God for Who He really is because we KNOW Him in our hearts, not just in our minds.
Are you guarding your heart today so that what issues from your issues is Life? In I Timothy 4:8 Paul says, “ Exercise daily in God-no spiritual flabbiness, please!”
Have you gotten a bit “flabby” this year?  Time to do your exercises!
Power Thought:

The issue in your “issues” is seeing God smack dab in the middle of them and knowing He has a plan to bring good things your way.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Power of False Evidence

Key Scripture: “forever inquiring and getting information but are never able to arrive at a recognition of and knowledge of the Truth. II Timothy 2:7
Power Point:
I’m sitting here looking out at the rain. It’s been a light rain this morning but heavy, flooding rain is expected later in the day. When we moved into this house I made really sure that the foundation was solid. As every wall and brace went up I prayed that it would have a firm foundation.  Even if a flood comes, I believe that this house will stand because it was built on the rock of prayer.
In Matthew 7, Jesus addresses that directly. He says that if your house is not built on the rock then when the floods come, it will not stand. I don’t think Jesus was just talking about a physical house, do you?  I think He was saying that if our foundation were not what HE says, our “house” would not be solid when the storms come. It is always interesting to me that Jesus says over and over and over again, that it is His truth that sets us free. It is His word that is our firm foundation. It is His character that is our firm foundation. It is faith in all that “Truth” that is our firm foundation. And yet, I see people going through the worst of times who have no idea what Jesus has even said about it. Beloved, no matter how many times you read it or hear it, Truth cannot set you free if you don’t believe it. What you believe is truth for you.  If your life is not firmly settled on the foundation of what God has said and Who He is, you’re in danger of receiving the false truth you believe. As I was thinking about this in my quiet time this morning I was reminded of a patient who goes to the doctor. They have their blood work done and something goes wrong and they get a “false positive” for a terminal disease. They believe the report and they begin to order their whole life around that “false positive” when in reality it is not true at all. Yet they “feel” like it’s true so they think it must be true.  FALSE!
Have you chosen to believe a “false positive” that has led you to believe that God is not there for you or He does not care about your situation and there’s no way out? Isn’t it time to check out the facts?  Got a Bible anywhere? These are a few of His facts.
God sent His Son not to condemn the world but to save the world. (Keep it safe, deliver from destruction, to heal and restore to health).
Salvation is for now and for forever.
Grace blesses the undeserving. We are all undeserving of God’s goodness. He just can’t stop being good to us. Are you expecting that?
You have been called to be fruitful in your life. You have been equipped by God’s own Spirit to accomplish that.
The dark place you are in is not more powerful than God. His light dispels the darkness. Always.
Whatever lie you believe will bear fruit in your life. Whatever Truth you believe will bear fruit in your life.
Which one will you choose?
Power Thought:
False evidence always appears real, but it’s always still false evidence. If the facts make you fear, it’s not God, it’s just false evidence appearing real. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Power of Extraordinary Measures

Key Scripture:  “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”  Exodus 14:13
Power Point:
I guess I am in “miracle” mode today. As I began to journal this morning, I began to reflect on all the truly great miracles God has done in my life. I began to think about how our lives began to change for the better nearly 38 years ago. I have realized that the most miraculous thing is the difference He has made in me. He has changed my outlook on life; He has changed the way I live my life; and He has changed the direction in which I am headed. He has taught me the definition of “Grace” and He’s taught me to receive it and offer it.
As I was watching the video of the Ten Commandments from You Tube I was struck by the “nay Sayers” that said God would not do what He had promised to do. They are only seeing the obstacles in front of them and totally ignoring that God has a penchant to be God and not man. About that time, the fire of God descended to protect His people from the enemy and the breath of God parted the Sea in front of them so that they could cross over on dry land. Not too shabby! Pharaoh still thinks he’s bigger than God and can destroy a whole nation. Everyone in the film looks a bit nervous because they see the enemy chariots and soldiers coming after them and there’s definitely to place to go but through that huge Sea. Hmm.
Ever been there? You think that you will never get out of your “mess”, whatever it is. You’re pretty sure that even God can’t change this one for the better. You’re hemmed in by the enemy in your head and by the enemy surrounding you. But guess what? God is not dead. He’s very much alive and He is powerful and active just like His Word.  He’s a strong defense and a strong hiding place. His salvation is totally over the top every time. Don’t limit yourself to the “natural”.  Ask Him to help you visualize His “supernatural” responses to your faith. Come on! You can do it. Remember you are not in this alone.
The word He keeps tossing around in my head today is “extraordinary. It means “over the top, unusual, astonishing, uncommon and definitely not run of the mill. When we visualize God’s answers to our problems we sort of forget that He is extraordinary don’t we? Nothing He ever does is confined to the normal, common, or usual. He is extraordinary and He will take extraordinary measures to answer your prayers. When you are tempted to doubt, remember the Red Sea.  I’m not sure it looked quite the way Cecil B. DeMille portrayed it, but then why not?  When you are tempted to think that the hot flames breathing down your neck are the enemy closing in, remember the pillar of fire that God sent to protect His children. When you can’t see a way to move forward, remember the breath of God parting the way for His kids. Extraordinary. You have an extraordinary, over the top God who loves you like crazy and is well able to change every detail in your life for the better. He said so, and He’ll do so if you will offer Him the gift of your faith, the understanding that no matter what it looks like right now, the answer is surrounding you, ready to be released. The measures He will take will always surprise you, because they are always extraordinary. He is above and beyond anything you could ask or think. And so are His answers to your prayers.
Power Thought:
An Extraordinary God will always take Extraordinary measures for you.

Power of A Redeemer

Key Scripture:  “I know that my Redeemer lives.”  Job 19:25
Power Point:
I’m pretty sure you would never have expected me to use a quote from Job on the day after Christmas. But there it is in black and white-a truth so powerful and so wonderful that it’s too good to pass up.
We’ve spent a lot of time talking about the baby Jesus and of course, it makes His life more meaningful to us because He left all that He had to come to earth and offer us all that He has.  This morning the word “redeemer: is flashing steadily on my mental screen. What does it mean?
My computer dictionary says this:
A Redeemer is a Savior, a rescuer, a  Knight in shining armor, and liberator.
A redeemer was one who “bought back” a person who had been sold into slavery. He gave them their freedom. You’ve just spent the last month looking at the birth of Christ.  You’ve been at the point where man’s life is about to begin again in a brand new way, the way of freedom. We know that the “Word” is alive which I guess means that there are no dead words in His vocabulary. He said he would come and save us and He did. Every word He speaks is alive and flourishing and lively. Each one of His words is productive and powerful.  Each one.  If His word is alive then the Living Word in us is certainly alive and well. He is alive in us to save us, rescue us, liberate us from our prisons, and be our knight in shining armor.
Do you need one today? Jesus is that knight in shining armor. He's not wearing armor but He shines with the armor of God.  In Revelation 19 we find these words:
“Then I saw Heaven open wide—and oh! a white horse and its Rider. The Rider, named Faithful and True, judges and makes war in pure righteousness. His eyes are a blaze of fire, on his head many crowns. He has a Name inscribed that's known only to Himself.  He is dressed in a robe soaked with blood, and he is addressed as "Word of God." The armies of Heaven, mounted on white horses and dressed in dazzling white linen, follow him. A sharp sword comes out of his mouth so he can subdue the nations, then rule them with a rod of iron. He treads the winepress of the raging wrath of God, the Sovereign-Strong. On his robe and thigh is written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.”
When you celebrate His birth, you should also look ahead to what will ultimately be the greatest celebration ever. Because of Baby Jesus, you can spend eternity in heaven. Because of Baby Jesus you are welcome in heaven and healed, delivered, forgiven and loved now. Because of Baby Jesus, you have a Savior, rescuer, liberator and a knight in shining armor.
His name is called Faithful and True.  He is trustworthy, loyal, incorruptible, and steady.
His other name is “Immanuel” the God who is with us forever and ever. Amen.
If you need a knight in shining armor, He’s the one I would recommend.   
Power Thought:
I know that my Redeemer is alive and well. He rules my world with Truth and Grace. I just love Him.  How about you?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Power of Christmas

Key Scripture:  Unto you this day is born a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2:11
Power Point:
More than a baby was born that Christmas day.  The word ”born” means “brought into life”. Can you visualize that night when Jesus was “brought into life” as we know it?
He moved from heaven to earth; from God’s side to ours; from a throne to a manger. God had a plan.
His plan was for every one of us to be brought to life again-born again with the power of heaven on earth. Born again with the glory of God in us. Born again with the joy of His presence in us and with us forever and ever, Amen.  Born into wholeness.  Born into Son ship. Born into His family.
Born into Love.
My prayer today is that as you celebrate Jesus being born, you will really embrace all that this means for you. Jesus’ birth was the highest act of God’s lavish generosity.
Because of it:
You’ve been born into Love and acceptance.
You’ve been born into grace and mercy. It follows you everywhere.
You’ve had the power of God brought to life in you to give you power over the “what is” and to birth, bring to life, God’s “what will be”.
You’ve been moved from “Nowheresville” to the kingdom of His beloved Son.
When Jesus was born He brought us to life as well.
Believe it. Receive it and glory in all that means for you.

He gave up everything so that you could be born, "brought into life", into everything He has and everything He is.
For unto us child is born, to us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father (of eternity) Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of His government there shall be no end…the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. 

                                           Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Power of Listening

Key Scripture: For unto you is born this day a Savior who is Christ, the Messiah, the Lord!Luke 2:11
Power Point:
I love the song, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing!”  Hark means: LISTEN UP!
We need to listen better don’t you think?  The other day I was meeting two friends for brunch. The time we decided on was 10 am.  Two of us were there at 10 and the other one wasn’t.  When I called, she said, ‘No you said 10;30.” Well, two of us heard 10 and only one heard 10:30. We forgave her for not listening well. Yesterday I hosted a luncheon with a friend for some other friends. The starting time was 12 noon. I called the other hostess about 10:30 and casually mentioned that I would see her at 11:30. She said, “No, you told me 12:30!” ARGH!
Do you suppose God gets a tiny bit impatient when He has to keep repeating the same thing over and over to us and we just don’t get it? We just don’t listen! Hmm.
I love the verse that says:Join the triumph of the skies! 
What was the triumph? The glorious plan of salvation had begun in earnest. The Messiah had finally come. The good news of a relationship of peace with our heavenly Father and the glorious truth of a merciful, unbreakable covenant relationship with a loving God who was now “with us” had touched earth.  Christ was born in Bethlehem.
Peace on earth goodwill to all men”. 
Will you sing that good news with the angels today? Will you tell everyone you know that The Savior of the World, the One who delivers, preserves, and rescues each of us: the One who brings each of us the opportunity for soundness, prosperity, happiness, and peace that destroys the chaos in our lives, has been "brought to life" for us.  God made a huge point. We need to listen better. Peace and Joy, and mercy and grace have come to earth They are ours for the asking.
Power Thought: 
 He lived for you and He died for you so He could live in you.  What a wonderful gift!  Will you open it?


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Power of Blessing

Key Scripture:   “The good person is generous and lends lavishly; no shuffling or stumbling around for this one, but a sterling and solid and lasting reputation. Spirit firm, unperturbed, ever blessed relaxed among enemies, they lavish gifts on the poor- a generosity that goes on, and on, and on.” Psalm 112, The Message
Power Point:
What better time of year is there for God’s children to be generous? What better way for us to celebrate the birth of Christ than to walk in His shoes and give, give, give. There are a million opportunities aren’t there?  Every time you go to a mall, you pass a Salvation Army bucket with their merry little bells encouraging you to give to help the poor. At our church we have a “Barnabas Fund” which is how we unite as the Body of Christ and give to those in need in our community. That’s a very good thing. Jesus loves it.
When you think about it God is all about generosity. Webster defines “generosity” as “kindness’. I think God wrote the book on that one! Nothing stopped Him from sending His Son to earth. He didn’t do it in a tight-fisted way either. He sent stars to guide people, angels to announce the birth and serenade them and gold, frankincense and myrrh-very generous gifts to honor the tiny King of Kings.. His love for us is generously kind. He gave us His all-lavishly.
As you walk around in God’s shoes today, He will bring someone in your path that needs a lavish dose of that generous kindness today. He still wants to give His all. Will you help Him? In Psalm 112 we have the perfect picture of generosity. The man who is blessed by His generous God is generous himself and lends lavishly. He gives lavish gifts to the poor-a generosity that goes on and on.  Just like Jesus.
Someone will need your kindness in action today. Someone will need a word of encouragement or a hug or some time shared, or maybe even a gift. Most of all what they need to see is Jesus with skin on. Everyone is talking about Him this time of year so we might as well help Him show up in person, don’t you think?
When I think of “lavish generosity” I think of how God always goes beyond our expectations. He gave us Jesus and then He gives us His Spirit so that we can be like Jesus too. He’s always “over the top” isn’t He?
So no more “shuffling or stumbling around”, give lavishly of whatever He asks you to give today with a generosity, like His, that goes on and on and on.
Power Thought:
Kindness should always overflow with blessing. It should go on and on and on.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Power of Peace

  Key Scripture: 
“I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you.  Peace.  I
don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left-feeling abandoned, bereft. So disturbed. Don't be distraught."  John 14:26, The Message       
Power Point:
I love sinking into my nice soft bed at night. I have made every effort to make it as comfortable as possible and it is! I was thinking this week about the “comfortable” things that we have because of Jesus. One of my favorites is that we have the “comfort” of His peace. He is the “Prince of Peace”. That means, that He is the Prince of Shalom. The word “shalom” means “nothing missing, nothing broken”.
In the Hebrew the word “shalom” also means, “to destroy chaos”. So when Jesus says, “I leave you my “peace”, He is saying I leave you the ability to destroy chaos in your life and I am giving you the opportunity to have nothing missing and nothing broken.
In the world’s eyes, peace only comes when everything is calm and there’s no chaos. In Jesus’ world, peace itself destroys the chaos.  When we receive the “Peace” that He left us we experience the same peace He had when He walked the earth. Peace IN chaos. Peace IN the Gethsemane’s of our lives.  Peace IN knowing that He is with us, He will care for us, and He will keep us safe.
Yesterday I was talking to a friend whose life, as I glanced around it, is filled with the potential for chaos. Her father recently died, a dear friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and of course, Christmas is coming soon! As I prayed for her I could see Peace “raining” down from heaven and soaking into every part of her.  So I prayed that the “rain” of the Holy Spirit would release Jesus’ peace into her soul and destroy the chaos and heal the wounds.
I believe that as that happens she will “sink in” to the Peace that Jesus died to give us- that His peace will be as restful as a comfortable bed. That as she experiences that peace, she will move into rest and that times of refreshing will come from the Lord-even in the middle of the muddle. It can, you know. He said so.
I pray that for you too, my friends.
Power Thought:
God’s peace is always beyond our understanding but aways within our grasp. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Power of Blessing

Key Scripture:  …that My joy might be in you and your joy might be full.”  John 15:11
Power Point:
At Christmas time, we always have to check the children’s presents to be sure that everything they need to be able to begin to play with them immediately is included in the package. Are there enough batteries?  Are the instructions there?  Are there any pieces missing?
You received your best present when you said ‘yes” to Jesus. God’s promise and His promises came to live inside you forever. When He came, He came fully equipped. His batteries are intact and fully charged. He’s not missing even one piece of what He has planned for your life. That’s good news isn’t it?
Whatever you need for your life is already inside you fully connected to heaven’s supply- His kingdom, His riches, His peace, His power. And Beloved, that includes JOY! As I’ve been traveling on planes, and shopping in stores, I’ve been observing people. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of JOY! If the “JOY! of the Lord is our strength-why don’t we make sure that we have more of it?
King David said, “I will JOY! in your salvation.” What a good idea The word “JOY!” means gladness of heart, and our heart is filled with joy when we remember what salvation really is.
David could rejoice in God’s salvation because it gave him hope for the future, peace and joy for the present. He knew that God’s plan was always wholeness, prosperity, peace, deliverance, safety, and lovingkindness.  In II Chronicles 20:20 we read that following a great battle where the children of Israel(who had done nothing but praise God and watch Him work),  “ returned with “JOY!”  Why?  Because God had made them rejoice over their enemies.
He hasn’t stopped doing that Beloved. Wherever and whatever your enemies are today, God has every plan to help you rejoice over them.
His job is to lead you to the victory. Your job is to praise and celebrate Him as you follow His lead, and offer Him the gift of our faith.
That’s confident expectation and that brings you great “JOY!
In Luke 2:10 the angel appears to the shepherds in the field and says, “Behold, (listen up!) I bring you good news of a great JOY! which comes to all the people. I think that includes us.
G-R-E-A-T JOY! Let it fill your life today.
Power Thought:
The “present” of His “presence” is certainly cause for great 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Power of Walking Around In God's Shoes

Key Scripture: “Give and it will be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together shall it be given into your bosom.”  Luke 6:38
Power Point:
Recently my good friend David got the great idea of going to Wal-Mart and paying off accounts for people who had put toys on layaway and couldn’t pay for them. David has a good heart.  Evidently a lot of people in Atlanta do too. When he told the manager what he wanted to do, the manager replied that here in Atlanta people had been doing that all week and they had no more toys on layaway. Is that incredible or what?
I decided to call my daughter-in-love, Kim, this morning and tell her about the opportunity. We agreed it would be a great experience for the children in many different ways. That precious girl with the big heart corralled those kids (within minutes) and took off for Wal-mart. The scenario there was a bit different. The manager told her that no one had ever done this before. In fact they were pretty unsure at the beginning how to proceed. In the meantime our JD was watching every detail with a big smile on his face. He knew exactly what was going on and he knew somewhere a child would get a toy because his mom making sure of it.  In fact, I told JD that this was the best birthday present they could have given Jesus.
We each have the extraordinary privilege of walking around in God’s shoes. We get to be Jesus with skin on. I couldn’t help but think how that parent will feel when they get the call from Wal-Mart that they can come and pick up a toy that they could not buy for themselves. Kim’s comment was that the manager was blessed, the lady helping her was blessed, and who knows, maybe even the grumpy old man who was next in line will be blessed as well. Of course, the most important thing for me is that my grandson got to be a part of doing kingdom work at the ripe old age of nine. He’ll never forget it.
And blessings have a way of multiplying don’t they? When Kim got home she called her best friend, Jana, and told her what had happened. Jana LOVED the idea and asked if Kim minded if she did it too. Kim did not. We may be starting a trend. I hope so.
If you see someone who needs Jesus with skin on today, I hope you’ll be that person.
Power Thought:
Walking in God’s shoes is fun. Following in Jesus footsteps is amazing. He loves it when we do that. So does everyone else. Even at Wal-Mart

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Power of Potential

Key Scripture:  “When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath-your exasperation, your fury or indignation-last until the sun goes down.  Leave no such foothold for the devil-give no opportunity to him.”  Ephesians 4:26,27, The Amplified Bible
Power Point:
When I wrote the “Power Up!” yesterday I was making the point that we have to change our thinking in order to think like Jesus. A dear friend reminded me that Jesus did at times become irritated, angry or upset. He did! But He always did something that sometimes we fail to do.  He connected His emotions to the emotions of Holy Spirit and He connected His thoughts to God thoughts. The foundation of His thinking was love for His Father and love for the people. That's why His anger never led Him to sin.

Emotions are good.  God has them too!  But I’m learning in my vast old age that when I add the power of Holy Spirit to my emotions, I am choosing to act like Jesus. He was angry and sinned not. In fact, recently in my own “walking around life” as I’ve been concentrating on doing just that, I have had some opportunities to be up close and personal with this truth. When a recent incident happened I was irritated. Then I sat down and asked Holy Spirit to calm me down and I asked Jesus to help me think His thoughts. I began to think of how He would handle the situation.  His road to success was paved with grace, mercy and the desire to bring peace and unity of the Spirit. I acted on what I saw and heard and a potentially difficult situation was averted and my soul got in line. I love that! And I love knowing that it’s okay if I experience a negative emotion as long as I put my soul in the “washing machine” of God’s Spirit in me, add some soap and let my soul’s agitation become agitated by the Holy Spirit. The harmful thoughts are rinsed out until my emotions are clean and fresh again. If it’s a really difficult situation, I just add the “soak” cycle and an extra rinse.
Every day you will have the potential to be angry or irritated or upset. That means that it’s possible but not yet a reality. That’s life where we live. Jesus died to give you the potential to rise above old patterns of your thoughts in those times and to think His thoughts that will bring transformation, and calm and balance.
The scriptures don’t stop at, “Be angry!” (Thank goodness!) Holy Spirit knows the potential for anger in your life so He wisely adds: “And sin not!” I can only do that when He Himself is soaking into my thoughts and emotions so that the potential for “life” is there for me in every situation. Thank You Jesus.

It is lovely to know that no irritation, anger or upset has to throw me off my course. I will be changing my thinking, my mind will be renewed and refreshed and I will see Jesus in my situation and embrace the potential of Jesus in me, my hope of glory.
Power Thought:
Is it laundry day at your house? Scrub-a-dub-dub.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Power of Good News/Bad News

Key Scripture:  “Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.”  Romans 12:2, The Message
Power Point:
I was just thinking-what would Jesus be thinking if He were me?  How would His thoughts respond to what happens in my life?
What would it be like to never be irritated, angry or upset? How would my life be different if I truly had the mind of Christ in all things? 
My responses would be based on Perfect Love wouldn’t they? I would come from an established foundation of Love. What would that look like?
I would never fear again. I would see Jesus in every part of my future.
I would not see people where they are but ask Holy Spirit to help me see where they’re headed and give me His heart for them.
I would not “establish” them as “the enemy” in my mind but as a much-loved child of God that I have been asked to honor, bless, and encourage.
I would forgive them.
I would offer them grace and mercy.
Why?  I guess that’s just what real “love” does-at least it’s what Jesus would do.
So is the “good news” of Jesus IN me changing the way I think? Are His thoughts sweeping out all the old cobwebs of the past and bringing a fresh outlook on life?
Well, the good news is that it can.  The bad news is that sometimes we don’t choose to accept His thoughts and we stay in the same place expecting different results in our lives.

The good news is that we have a fresh start every day-the opportunity to choose God’s thoughts in the way that we think.
The bad news is that we stay in the same place expecting different results in our lives.

The good news is that every relationship, every circumstance, and every problem has the opportunity to be touched by the power of God.
The bad news is that we stay in the same place expecting different results in our lives.

The Good News is that Jesus came to fill our lives with the peace of God, the love of God, the grace of God, the mercy of God, and the joy of the Lord.
The bad news is that we stay in the same place expecting different results in our lives.

What’s your plan for today? Will you “change” your mind and your mindsets so that you can begin to experience exactly what Jesus died to give you?
Why not?

Power Thought:
Staying in the same place produces the same results.