Monday, December 12, 2011

Power of Priorities

Key Scripture: “Give and it will be given back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together shall it be given to you.” Luke 6:38
Power Point:
My friend Lynn likes to say that we need to be “intentional” about things. It’s a good point don’t you think? When my husband and I had a Personal Management company, he taught people how to be intentional about how they spent their days. Many people attended the seminars to learn how to set goals for their lives and learn how to make daily goals to meet their life goals. It always amazed us how people had lived so long without really doing anything to plan a successful life.
The awful truth is that many people never make their spiritual lives a priority.
They never “plan” for success.  I’ve spoken to people who will tell me that they just don’t have time to be alone with God every day and they take a very laissez-faire attitude toward cultivating a relationship with Him. I learned very early on that I got out of my spiritual life what I put into it.
I think scripture supports that totally.  In Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, “Seek My kingdom first and then the other things will be added to you. He made a dedicated effort every day to increase His wisdom and knowledge and ability to be led by the Spirit.
In Prov. 4:202-44 the Holy Spirit says, “Attend to my words.” In other words, “Pay attention to what I say.”  Why? Because His words bring His life to those who find them and health to their whole body. I guess that would be a pretty good reason to make His Word a priority. In Matthew 4:4 Jesus says, ”Guys you need to understand that you don’t live by what you eat and drink.  That’s not how life is sustained. You live, survive and enjoy your life by listening and applying every word that come from God’s mouth.” (Suzanne version.)
In Mark 4:23-25, Jesus says, “Be careful what you hear.” Why” “The measure of “ though and study) you give to the word that you hear will be the measure of (virtue and knowledge) that comes back to you and more besides will be given to you who hear.”
We all want to live a blessed and fulfilled life don’t we? The truth is that God has already done His part to make that happen. Now it’s your turn.  Just as those cookies you eat would not have been very good if they were put together with a lot of haphazard measurements, your spiritual life will not be very “tasty” either without putting the right measurements into it.
Beloved we have to be intentional about our spiritual lives. We have to attend to what He says. We have to make Him the priority in our life or what will be measured out to us will be an exact measurement of what we have measured into it. Seek His kingdom first. I guess you can’t say it any plainer than He did.
Power Thought:
God’s measure is always over the top!

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