Friday, August 31, 2012

Power Of Generous Love

Key Scripture: Go forth and multiply.” Genesis 1:27
Power Point:
     What would you consider to be the “greatest commandment”?  Don’t you think that God has chosen “love” to be the foundation of all that we do? Jesus said, “Love God, Love yourself, and love others.” Love is the seed that God has given us to sow. That’s the main thing we are to “go forth and multiply” isn’t it?
     If you look at love as the foundation of the kingdom of God, then it just makes sense that if we are to bring heaven to earth then our motivation is based on love. As we learn about how much He loves us we are transformed to be generous in love too.
     What if you made the decision today to only walk in Love? What if you multiplied the love you have received and sow it into someone else’s life today?  What if you refused any excuses to be in “UN-love” and simply do what God has told you to do?
     We could change the world Beloved. And we should don’t you think? We hear thousands of reasons of what we could do to improve our world but I honestly do not think I have ever heard that  “Walking In Love” is a useful tool, except in the Bible. When we learn to be generous in love, generous in expecting the best and offering ourselves generously, then we really are being obedient to what Jesus told us and we will transform our lives and the lives of those around us.
    Why not plan to go forth and generously multiply love today? God says that if you sow that character quality in your life, you will receive it back in abundance. If you give love today, He says that it will be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing in your life.
I like that idea, don’t you?

Power Thought:
Got love? Give it away. Need love? Give it away!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Power Of Our Words

Key Scripture: “The human tongue is physically small, but what tremendous effects it can boast of! A whole forest can be set ablaze by a tiny spark of fire, and the tongue is as dangerous as any fire, with vast potentialities for evil. It can poison the whole body, it can make the whole of life a blazing hell.” James 3:5,6 Phillips
Power Point:
Our words can be trash or treasure can't they? Did you know that the words you speak are very important to the devil? If he can get us to SAY what he gives us to THINK he’s set destruction in motion. He gives us opportunities for negative thoughts all the times. (You probably knew that.) They are not necessarily OUR thoughts. So of course, if he gets us to speak out what he’s whispering in our ears-the lies, the doubts, the anger, the divisive thoughts, then he’s won. Words have power. They take on their own life and set in motion the fires of hell. The truth is that the tongue by itself is not the problem. It just sits there unless we activate it by speaking out what we hear. 
     There are two things Jesus cautioned us about; take care what you listen to, and take care how you speak. Why? Because out of our hearts LIVING water is supposed to flow. Out of our mouths LIVING words are supposed to fill our atmosphere. God’s words always bring life. Once we choose to set them firmly on our tongues they bring life and not death. God’s word is active and alive and powerful. It cuts through the junk we think and the lies we believe-if we let it.
     As you read the Old Testament you can see how easily the children of Israel fell for the lies of the enemy. They would have God’s word on the matter and then the whispers would come to bring doubt and unbelief. Pretty soon they were voicing them and then pretty soon they were grumbling and complaining. Eve is also a good example. She had God’s word on everything. She lived in the perfect Garden that God’s words had created.  All Satan had to say was, “Did He?”  “Did He really say that?”  Look how that turned out!
     Do you have a promise from God about a situation in your life? Has God said? Has Satan said, “Did He really say that?”  If it’s good, He probably did. If it brings life and not death, He probably did. 
     If Satan can get us to voice distrust in God he is tempting us to release all sorts of fire into earth. That’s not our job. We are to release heaven into earth.  Every unkind, unloving, discouraging, doubting, “dis-grace-full” word we speak over someone or about someone is bringing death.
     We need to stop. We need to look UP! And we need to listen and speak only what God says.That’s when life can come. That’s when the Words of God cut through the lies and show us the truth. That’s how we are able to discern between what is from our souls and what is from our spirits. Hebrews 4:6 says that the Word (or Words) of God are what discern the thoughts and intents of our heart.  I guess that means we need to read it, agree with it and apply it.
     If the father of lies is giving you food for thought, put cotton in your ears!
Take care what you hear and be especially careful about what you speak. Your words are creating the atmosphere where you live today-and tomorrow. Be sure to choose the right ones.
Power Thought:
Our words are powerful for good or for evil. They bring life or death. Which will you choose?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Power Of Love Like A Hurricane

Key Scripture: “He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind.”  Psalm 104:3
Power Point:
         All eyes have been on Tropical Storm Isaac, which is about to become Hurricane Isaac. At church yesterday, we sang a song which included the words, “He is jealous for me. Love like a hurricane, I am a tree. Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.” There are two things about “Isaac” and God that we need to think about because it’s a great visual.
         First, we need to realize that God’s love for us is not just a quiet, gentle, grandmotherly love, although of course it can be that. God says that His love is powerful and that it fills everything. It can’t be stopped. It can’t be taken away from us. It’s so amazing that when we really consider it, our souls bend beneath the weight of His mercy and His passion for us. You might want to take a moment to do that.
         Secondly, “Isaac” was the child of the Promise given to Abraham. As the seed of Abraham we have the same Promise in the person of Holy Spirit. That promise was able to live because Abraham believed God. Faith always brings the fulfillment of the Promise.
         As you’re watching the weather reports today, why not put them in a little different perspective. As you pray for the storm to be turned away from American coasts, pray that God’s love will explode over America as powerfully as that hurricane. That it will reach every bit of her land and her people in a glorious outpouring of the reign and the rain of the Holy Spirit.  Pray for the promise of power from on high for this nation and the explosion of His restoration in us. Pray that when the enemy comes in, like a flood, the Holy Spirit of God will come in and plant the banner of truth over us again so that it is clearly seen.
         Beloved, the promise of the power of God is for all of us who know Him. Just as it began in this nation over 200 years ago, the promise of His power is still there. It may be covered over in places but the covenant we have with our God still rests in the heart of His people.
Begin to remember the glorious truths of what God promises us. Remember the glorious power of His unstoppable love.  Begin to agree with His will for us, and His power to perform it.
Consider the hurricane force of His love sweeping across our land again. Consider what could happen if the power of His Spirit was poured out again, like a hurricane.

Power Thought: Jesus said our job is to believe and then ask. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Power of Staying Calm

Key Scripture: "Abide in Me, and I will abide in you"  John 15:7
Power Point:
For the last year or so I have taken the advice of Liberty Savard. She is the author of a little book called “Binding and Loosing for Beginners.” It’s been really helpful.  She looks at the terms “binding” and “loosing” a bit differently and as I’ve studied it, I can agree with her. The word “bind” means to tie yourself to something. The word “loose” means to separate yourself from something. At any rate, no matter how you look at it her suggestions have blessed me.
Each morning I bind my plans and purposes to the plans and purposes of my heavenly Father.
I bind my thoughts to the thoughts of Jesus and I bind my emotions to the calm and balance of Holy Spirit’s emotions. I have been blessed with amazing results.
When you are yielding your agenda to His, all of heaven breathes a huge sigh of relief.
When you are daily transforming your thoughts with the healthy, life-giving thoughts of Jesus you will breath a huge sigh of relief.
And when you are allowing Holy Spirit to breathe out His calm, faithful optimism in to your soul-well, it does amazing things.
In case you want to try it, here’s what I pray:
Father, I bind my plans to Your plans and purposes today knowing that they are always good and they always give me hope for the future.
Jesus I bind my thoughts to Your thoughts today knowing that they enable me to have a fresh perspective on things in my life and abundance in my life.
Holy Spirit, I bind my emotions to the calm and balance of Your emotions because I know that Your love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness and self-control will bear good fruit in my life.
The “loosing” part is important too. I loose from myself all wrong patterns of thinking, all doubt, all negative thoughts and behaviors that keep me stuck.
I hope you’ll try it. It has been so eye opening to see what God will do when you give Him the chance. Remember-He’s in you and He wants to get out!
Power Thought:
Being calm, cool and collected has its distinct advantages. Abiding in Him allows us to be bound to His calm and balance.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Power OF Random Of Kindness

Key Scripture: “Add to your faith…kindness.” I Peter 1:7

Power Point:
     Governor Deal has declared August 20, to be “Random Acts Of Kindness” Day in Georgia. When you think about it, kindness really is a good thing whether it’s random or whether it’s in Georgia or anywhere else.
     Recently, the Lord has been showing me such extraordinary acts of kindness that I know can only be from Him. The other day I was in the grocery store with a really full cart and I was very tired. As I thought about unloading all those groceries for the check out, I sighed and thought, “I wish I had someone to help.” Within seconds, the bag boy walked around the counter and started putting my groceries on the belt. I love kindness.
     As I’ve been working on the “Power UP!” book I hit a huge wall and had no idea how to move forward. My daughter, Stefanie, stepped in and took over and did what I could not do. I love kindness.
     As I began writing this I began to think of the many people in my life who are simply kind. My prayer group friends love to pray for people with needs and then they add feet to their prayers by rolling up their sleeves and doing whatever needs to be done. Sometimes that may involve money and sometimes it may involve going out of their way to show someone kindness. I’m blessed to know them and to have received their kindnesses many times. They are definitely ‘Good Samaritans” with skirts on.
     My daughter in law, Kim is always preparing meals for someone who needs help or she 
watches someone’s children for them when they’re in a tight spot. What a good example she is for my grands. Did I mention I love kindness?
     Today, as you read this I hope you’ll ask Holy Spirit what you can do today for someone else to show them kindness. I’ll bet He can hardly wait to show you off as you follow His lead. Remember, no act of kindness is too big or too small. In fact, He began in my life last night.  Julie and I had been praying for people for about three hours. We were tired and we were hungry so we stopped at a drive through to get something to eat. The young man at the window told us how much it was and then said, “But the people in front of you paid for your meal.” It was such a lovely gift. It encouraged us so much that we paid for the meal of the people behind us. Kindness is contagious.
     Kindness is a choice just as everything else is a choice. It’s a lovely way of choosing life isn’t it?  I read a sign recently that said, “You’re always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.” We never have an excuse for not being kind do we, especially when the King of Kindness lives in our hearts?
Wouldn’t it be lovely if everyone chose to be kind-at least some of the time? Today it begins with you. You get to choose to be “Jesus with skin on.” for someone, or maybe for many “someones”. Your choice.  I’m thinking we should choose it more often. How about you?
Put a smile on your face and take Holy Spirit’s hand and run off to see the surprising kindnesses He wants to show through you today. At the end of the day, see how you feel. You might want to do it again tomorrow!

Power Thought:
Being kind is just being Jesus with skin on. Pay it forward. He did.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Power Of God's Point Of View

Key Scripture:  “The Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”  Judges 6;12
Power Point:
I guess one of the most important truths I have learned in the last few years is that God always sees us in terms of the person He has created us to be. That’s especially evident in the story of Gideon.  If you remember, the children of Israel had disobeyed God (again) and He had delivered them into the hands of the Midianites. Their armies would wait for Israel’s crops to grow and then destroy every bit of it. They took their livestock. The nation of Israel was left with nothing.
Gideon is hiding in a winepress threshing grain for bread, fearful lest someone might find him. Suddenly, the Angel of the Lord, (whom Gideon later declares as God Himself) appears in the winepress and greets him as a mighty man of valor.” Nothing could have been further from the truth at that moment. Yet God saw Gideon as what He had destined him to be, a mighty warrior for Him who would deliver Israel again. Gideon, obviously does not immediately see it the same way and so he asks God for confirmation, which God very graciously give him.  During the night, Gideon is sent to the camp of the Midianites and overhears a man who is telling a dream to his friend. He says, “ To my surprise, I saw a loaf of barley bread tumble into the Midian camp and it collapsed.” His friend immediately interprets the dream declaring that “this is the sword of Gideon.” What? As I looked at this what I began to understand is that God allowed Gideon to hear exactly what God had told him in the winepress. When God encountered Gideon-he’s preparing bread, not exactly a mighty act.  But God calls out things that do not exist at the moment as though they did and Gideon became what God had called out, a mighty warrior with a sword.
Beloved, are there people in your life who are not yet what God declares over them? Are you perhaps someone who cannot see yourself as God sees you? Ask Him to help you to see as He sees and begin to call out the Life, and the power in you and in others that will bring you into your destinies.  In God’s eyes, we are mighty men and women of valor. Valor means courage. You may not feel courageous at the moment but God is with you. Has He not sent you?
Gideon saw a man of fear. God saw a man of courage. The world saw a shepherd, God saw a king. The world saw a failure in Moses but God saw a deliverer. God’s eyes only see what He calls out. We need to find out what that is and call it out with Him.
The first thing Gideon did after his encounter with the Lord was to build an altar and call it “The Lord is Peace”, Jehovah Shalom. Shalom means wholeness, security, well-being, prosperity, peace and friendship. He had come from not ever seeing miracles to becoming one. So can you and so can I.
Power Thought:
Never, never, never give UP!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Power Of Living Water

Water Crystal
Key Scripture: He that believes in me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38
Power Point:
Water, water, everywhere! I was reminded yesterday of the study on water done by a Japanese scientist.  His research studied how words affect the perfect formation of water crystals. I’ve shared this before but I think it might be important to share it again. He did a study where he filled two bottles with water and set them in his lab. On one battle was the label, “ugly”. The other one was labeled “beautiful”. Whenever someone passed by they were to follow his directions. One bottle never heard anything good and one never heard anything bad. The water that only heard bad things was never able to form beautiful water crystals. I guess you could say that it never became living water. The water that only heard the good things was able to become what it was supposed to be.  It lived.
You know where I’m going with this, right? God is interested in pulling out the treasure in people so that can fulfill their promise in Him. We speak the words that He uses to water people’s lives.  Yours are the words that are to always be seasoned with His grace. Your words are never to be idle but to be effective to empower someone else as well as yourself. Since we are roughly 75% water, this study has real benefits for us as believers. Years ago I would tell myself things like: “You’ll never get this!” or “How could you be so stupid!”. Those words could effectively shut the door on any faith that was trying to grow inside me. Then I began to get to know the Real Word, the Living Truth and to listen to what He said about me. What a life change! He watered His word with His own kindness and goodness and the bad seeds I had planted are now much diminished.
If we’re going to be transformed into Truth we need to know what it is don’t we? That’s a key reason to spend a lot of time with Him, finding out what The Truth really says to us and about us.
It’s the only way that Living Water will begin to flow out of you and water the lives of others.
If you can picture a parched person and someone pouring a bottle of fresh clean water into them and what effect that has on their bodies. Then imagine a spiritually thirsty person who needs you to water them with Gods living water today. How would that look?
Got your watering can ready?
Power Thought:
Living Water
There are a lot of thirsty people around us aren’t there? Their souls need some Living Water today to become what they are meant to be. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Power of Connection

Key Scripture:  …according to the power that works in us.”  Ephesians 3:20
Power Point:
If you have a dead battery you will not go anywhere. Really. One morning, I went out to go somewhere in my car and when I turned the key, nothing happened. Dead as a doornail-or as the dictionary puts it, “quite dead”.  All my plans were put on hold until the nice man I called came and charged it. Actually, he replaced the battery altogether. He was giving me a fresh start.
 Did you know that Your heavenly Father gives you a “fresh start” every single day of your life. There are many times when I wake up in the morning and my battery is “quite dead”. It needs recharging or replacing. Each morning as I call on Him, He’s overflowing with fresh mercy and grace. He soothes my frazzled nerves and recharges my faith and hope. He reconnects my power cords and checks the connections and I leave that place a different person than when I walked in.
There are a lot of things I could do in that early morning time. I could watch the news or sit and “praise my problems” as my friend Peter says. I could think about a lot of things but I’ve learned  that the “one thing” I do that is most effective in helping me charge up for my day is the connection I make with Him.
King David understood that.  He said, “This one thing I do. It’s what I seek every day. I seek to spend time in His presence. I allow Him to hide me in the place where He tells me His secrets and I am re-charged.” (Psalm 27:4-6 Suzanne translation) His term for “recharging” is to have his head “lifted up”. He enters the Secret Place tired, a little downcast and a bit fearful but as he allows God to check his connections, he is totally renewed and restored.
If that’s not your experience in your time with Him, maybe you should check your connections.
Are you connected to His goodness? Are you connected to His love and kindness? Are you connected to His power?
His power won’t work if the connection is not right.
The good news is that today is a new day, with a new start and a new opportunity to include Your Father into every plan you make. Should you take a little time to make that connection strong again?
Power Thought:
If the power source isn’t connected, you won’t go anywhere. All the power that’s available can’t do what it’s meant to do because your battery is as dead as a doornail. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Power Of Going For The Gold

Key Scripture:  "By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back."  Philippians 3:14
Power Point:
I’ve been enjoying watching the Olympics this week. I love watching all the competitions, although I must admit I usually record them and watch them later. I can’t stand the anguish.
It surprised me to know that in a survey people actually like to know who won the medal before viewing the competitions. I don’t know why that surprises me but it does. After all I’m the one who peeks on the last page of the book to see if I will like the ending!
I look at these athletes and their beautifully toned bodies and their stamina and their commitment to win and it amazes me. I watched as Michael Phelps swam into history in front of 85000 people who watched and screamed and cheered him on. Even his opponents were excited for him. I watched winners and losers. I gasped when Gabby fell off the balance beam and I saw her megawatt smile at the end of it all. She had won the gold.
Did you know that God has a lot of gold stored up for us in heaven?  There are whole streets made of it. And of course there are golden crowns and golden bowls where our prayers are kept. I can’t wait to see it all.  How about you?
We know that there is a great crowd of heavenly witnesses that are observing our own run for the gold.  Until I saw the crowds at the games, I didn’t have a good picture of that. Just imagine every day of your life, being observed and cheered on as all of heaven watches your progress.
It would help wouldn’t it when things get a little rough? There are times when I need to hear those voices telling me: “Keep going Suzanne.  You can do it!” You probably do too.
At any rate, like those Olympic athletes each one of us has a race to run and a prize to win.
Do we need to be more diligent in how we apply ourselves to that? Those athletes set aside their lives to pursue earthly gold.  Shouldn’t we set aside at least some of  the earthly to achieve our heavenly treasures? Some of the athletes left family and home to train. Some of their families made huge sacrifices over the years so they could fulfill their dreams. Can we do less than that to win the prize of fulfilling our calling in Him?
Take a moment to ponder how much you are willing to sacrifice to go for heavenly gold. You never need to worry if you will win or not. He has made sure of that. 
Power Thought:
My favorite prize will be to see my Savior place a golden crown on my head and hear Him say, “Well done sweetheart!” How about you?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Power Of Being Done

Key Scripture: Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart” Psalm 27:14
Power Point:
One of the best things about Thanksgiving is when we all sit down to a wonderful meal with our families. When people come in the door and smell all the fantastic smells, the question is usually voiced, “When will the turkey be done?” Ah-the anticipation. I can remember thinking that after ten hours (or so it seemed) in the kitchen I was ready for it to be done.  And then when the whole meal was consumed in ten minutes it almost seemed impossible that it had taken that much work. But what a joy it was to come to the table.
For the last year, as you know, I have been working on preparing a “Power UP!” manuscript. Many of you have asked, “Is it done yet?”  The good news is that it went to the publisher today and should be ready for Christmas. It was hard, it was easy, it was difficult and it was a great joy to take that journey. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I have said to myself a dozen or more times today, “I’m done!” but it really hasn’t sunk in yet.
So life goes on. Now I can enjoy writing as I love to do and not feel guilty that I’m procrastinating on something I didn’t know how to do. My friend Peter sent me a word that I had been in the “valley of decision”. There were many times when I could have closed down the whole operation but I felt so deeply that God had a calling on it and so I persevered. In fact, two weeks ago I was sitting playing a game on my IPad and just sort of off-handedly said to the Lord, “Lord I need a little encouragement.” A moment later I heard the “whirr” on my IPad telling me I had a message.  It was from my friend Biddie telling me how much she enjoyed the “Power UP’s”. God is so good.
Frankly, I’ve never been fond of persevering. I’d rather have simple blessings added quickly, thank you very much. Persevering can take a long time and it’s not usually easy but it does develop good muscles in our spirit so I guess I need to do it.
I have persevered with joy and I have arrived at fullness of Joy. It’s a wonderful place to end up.
I hope you’ll take the opportunity to bless the ‘Power UP!” as it makes its journey onward. I’ve given birth and I’m a little tired but the baby will be well cared for, I’m sure.
Thank you for being such faithful encouragers and thank you for sharing the devotionals that touched you most. I love knowing that God’s words are watering hearts so they can become all He has designed for them to be.
Power Thought:
In His presence is fullness of joy. That’s where I intend to sit for the next few days. Want to join me?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Power of Being Cool, Calm and Collected

Key Scripture: “And He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm.”  Matthew 8:26
Power Point:
Recently we’ve had some damaging storms in Georgia. This weekend we simply had some lovely rain. One of my favorite things to do is walk outside after the storms have passed and the rain has stopped and just feel the fresh cleanness around me. There is such a calm isn’t there?
Sometimes when you’re in the middle of the storms it’s almost as though there is no place to hide. I think it must have been like that for the disciples on their little boat in the middle of hurricane force winds. It would have been noisy and wet and scary. I’ve actually been in one of those storms in the middle of the Aegean Sea. I’d rather not do it again.
The good news was that the disciples had the Savior of the world on board with them and they knew who to call.  Can you imagine Jesus’ response? Was it, “Oh no!  This is such a surprise! What are we going to do?” Can’t you just see Him wringing His hands? Of course not. He calmly and coolly collected Himself and spoke the calm that was in Him into the storm and it became calm too.
Are you in the middle of a storm right now? Are you wet and weary and frightened? Well Jesus is not wringing His hands or shaking His head. He’s ready to release the calm and balance of His emotions into yours. He’s ready and He’s offering His help and His peace.
Soon, very soon, you’ll be able to walk outside and smell the freshness of the finish of this storm. You’ll be able to take a deep breath and relax. You’ll be able to look back and see the way Jesus calmed your particular storm of fears and showed you the way to safety.
Storms don’t last forever, thank goodness, but they last long enough to make us appreciate the calm that follows them.
And be sure to look for the rainbow; God’s reminder of His promises to bring us through and keep us safe.
Power Thought:
When the Holy Spirit lives in you, you can have His calm in the middle of your storm. Just ask Him.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Power of Running Out Of Grace

Out of Grace
Key Scripture: “Grace be unto you and peace from our Father.” Colossians 4:2
Power Point: 
Anyone who has ever ridden in a car with three children in the back seat knows what it's like to run out of grace.  “He touched me!”  “But she said …!” “M-O-M! Yes. Things can get testy. That’s about the time when mom or dad say, “I told you to leave your sister alone! Sit there quietly and do not say another word!” Mom’s can run out of grace.
This morning I was praying for someone. They’ve been in my life for a very long time and during that time they’ve made horrible choices that have affected someone I love very much. They refuse to win. They refuse to think of anyone but themselves. I could go on but I won’t. The thing is as I was praying about that situation this morning I said, “Lord, I have simply run out of grace for them. Have You?” Things got very quiet.  Then I was reminded of King David who also made some really bad choices but was called a “man after God’s own heart”.  And Judas, who betrayed Jesus and yet on the cross I’m quite sure he was included in Jesus request to the Father to “Forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”  And what about Pharaoh?  He could have had grace too if He’d asked for it but his heart was too hard. And I guess he is a perfect example of someone who refuses grace. The person I’m acquainted with definitely has a hard heart. He’s been given every opportunity to be a winner but he chooses to remain on the losing side. He always chooses destruction, never life.
Your job is to place them on the altar and ask for God to do what He needs to do to bring His wisdom into their lives. Pray FOR them and not against them. Do all that in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. You remain in the place where His presence can continually bring peace. (There really is such a place.) Even if they are not doing the right thing you can do the right things that brings heaven to earth in that situation.
What I understand about God is that He never runs out of grace. His cup of grace is always brimming over. He doesn’t want anyone to fall short of it, or fall out of it or miss it entirely so He patiently allows the “Pharaohs” in our lives to make their choices and then ultimately receive the results of those choices. But even at the last moment grace is still available. It follows them every day. It’s there when they take that drink or when they refuse to provide for their own children or they wound someone that you love. It’s always there. I would probably handle it differently than God.  I am a recovering “fixer” after all.  It’s been a challenge to learn to “let go and let God”, but in the times I’ve needed grace from Him I have always received it. That helps me to offer it to others as I’ve learned what an amazing gift it is.
When your “cup of grace” is on empty, as mine was this morning, ask Holy Spirit to lend you some of His. He is called the “Spirit of Grace” for a reason, you know. Fill up on His grace and then trust Him to bring grace to that “someone” who needs it so badly, beginning with you.
Power Thought:
Grace was there for you when you woke up this morning. It will be there when you go to sleep tonight no matter what happened in between. Be amazed by it.  Grace is a kiss from God.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Power of Refusing To Lose

Key Scripture: “So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose?”  Romans 8:31, The Message
Power Point:
It seems to be the week for good t-shirt slogans. Today JD wore one that said: “Refuse to Lose.” He asked me if I had ever written a “Power UP!” on that subject. Well, not in so many words.  I asked him what it meant to him.  He said, “God doesn’t like to lose and He doesn’t give up.” I think that says it pretty clearly.If you look at all the battles that God has fought over the years, He’s won them all.When He is on your side you can win them all too. As you walk through Jesus life with Him, the daily battles are very recognizable. Sometimes we imagine that it was easy for Him to deal with masses of people daily-some of them for and some against. It wasn’t. He was a man just like us. He had the power of the Holy Spirit. So do we. Sometimes we imagine that He sailed through the crucifixion. He didn’t. He sweat great drops of blood in the process of making the decision to go forward. The truth is that Jesus simply refused to lose those battles. He had his heart set on winning because He knew that if He refused to accept defeat we could all be winners with Him.
The apostle Paul is another great example of refusing to lose. Every one of the letters he penned, in the most difficult battles one could imagine, were victorious evidences of daily battles fought and won because he refused to lose his perspective. He turned every single battle into a testimony of God’s faithfulness.There may be a battle you’re facing right now and you cannot see a way out. Never forget that God is on your side if you allow Him to be.
Refuse to lose that truth and implant it deeply in your heart.
Refuse to lose Who God has said that He wants to be for you in your situation.
Refuse to forget that He has promised to be with you and fight for you.
Refuse to forget that He is good all the time.
And refuse to lose the powerful encouraging truth that He will always work whatever is going on in your life for your good if you believe that He will.
Refuse to lose hope.
Refuse to give up. Never, never, never give up! Heaven is on your side, and by your side.
Angels surround you. The power of the Name of God is there for you. The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. 
 I will protect those who trust in My name 
When they call on me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.”  (Psalms 91) In other words, you can’t lose. So don’t.
Power Thought:
To refuse to lose is to decide not to accept defeat. God doesn’t. And He's on our side!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Power of Leading Or Being Led

Key Scripture:  “I advise you to obey only the Holy Spirit’s instructions.” Galatians 5, NLT.
Power Point:
My grandson, JD, has a t-shirt that says:  “Lead or be led”. What a great truth. Sometimes we think we can be passive about the choices we make. We can let ourselves simply flow along in life without taking a stand on things. The real truth is that if you don’t make a decision to be led by the Spirit then your flesh will lead you. That’s why God advises us so often to be led by Him in order to lead an abundant life. The result of being led by the flesh is not attractive. We all know how that will turn out! Paul’s letters make it quite clear what that will look like. Some of the negatives of being led by your own flesh are hatred and fighting, jealousy and anger, a constant effort to get the best for yourself; complaints and criticisms, the feeling that everyone else is wrong except those in your own little group. To name a few. When you make the choice to be led by Holy Spirit it’s obvious that things will look a bit different. When He’s leading the way you can expect to find, the peaceful fruit of righteousness in your life. It looks like this: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
Beloved, it’s always our choice. Our “chooser” gets to choose whose lead to follow. If you don’t make the effort to follow the right one, you won’t end up where you need to be, in the right place and with the life He’s lovingly prepared for you. When He said He was sending the Holy Spirit to “help” us, those are some of the things He came to help us with. If you find yourself passively allowing your flesh to lead then you will find yourself falling short of real life. Being controlled by the flesh is the “pits” and it keeps you in the pits. God knows that! That is why He offers to help you. You get to choose life or death or strife or peace and then you get to see the results of those choices in your life. If you don’t make the effort to choose you are still making a passive choice to be led. Make no mistake-if you don’t lead, you will be led.
Are there situations in your life where your own flesh has led you because you’ve refused to follow the Holy Spirit’s instructions?  Have you mistakenly believed that if you don’t do something about your situation it will eventually be okay even though the Holy Spirit has told you differently? Sorry. It just doesn’t work that way. As Jesus is, so are we to be in this world. He chose to bring change for the better wherever He went.  We should too.
What you choose makes a definite difference, Beloved. Lead in the power of the Holy Spirit or something or someone else will lead you.
Power Thought:
The Holy Spirit leads the best leaders.