Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Power of Connection

Key Scripture:  …according to the power that works in us.”  Ephesians 3:20
Power Point:
If you have a dead battery you will not go anywhere. Really. One morning, I went out to go somewhere in my car and when I turned the key, nothing happened. Dead as a doornail-or as the dictionary puts it, “quite dead”.  All my plans were put on hold until the nice man I called came and charged it. Actually, he replaced the battery altogether. He was giving me a fresh start.
 Did you know that Your heavenly Father gives you a “fresh start” every single day of your life. There are many times when I wake up in the morning and my battery is “quite dead”. It needs recharging or replacing. Each morning as I call on Him, He’s overflowing with fresh mercy and grace. He soothes my frazzled nerves and recharges my faith and hope. He reconnects my power cords and checks the connections and I leave that place a different person than when I walked in.
There are a lot of things I could do in that early morning time. I could watch the news or sit and “praise my problems” as my friend Peter says. I could think about a lot of things but I’ve learned  that the “one thing” I do that is most effective in helping me charge up for my day is the connection I make with Him.
King David understood that.  He said, “This one thing I do. It’s what I seek every day. I seek to spend time in His presence. I allow Him to hide me in the place where He tells me His secrets and I am re-charged.” (Psalm 27:4-6 Suzanne translation) His term for “recharging” is to have his head “lifted up”. He enters the Secret Place tired, a little downcast and a bit fearful but as he allows God to check his connections, he is totally renewed and restored.
If that’s not your experience in your time with Him, maybe you should check your connections.
Are you connected to His goodness? Are you connected to His love and kindness? Are you connected to His power?
His power won’t work if the connection is not right.
The good news is that today is a new day, with a new start and a new opportunity to include Your Father into every plan you make. Should you take a little time to make that connection strong again?
Power Thought:
If the power source isn’t connected, you won’t go anywhere. All the power that’s available can’t do what it’s meant to do because your battery is as dead as a doornail. 

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