Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Power Of Love Like A Hurricane

Key Scripture: “He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind.”  Psalm 104:3
Power Point:
         All eyes have been on Tropical Storm Isaac, which is about to become Hurricane Isaac. At church yesterday, we sang a song which included the words, “He is jealous for me. Love like a hurricane, I am a tree. Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.” There are two things about “Isaac” and God that we need to think about because it’s a great visual.
         First, we need to realize that God’s love for us is not just a quiet, gentle, grandmotherly love, although of course it can be that. God says that His love is powerful and that it fills everything. It can’t be stopped. It can’t be taken away from us. It’s so amazing that when we really consider it, our souls bend beneath the weight of His mercy and His passion for us. You might want to take a moment to do that.
         Secondly, “Isaac” was the child of the Promise given to Abraham. As the seed of Abraham we have the same Promise in the person of Holy Spirit. That promise was able to live because Abraham believed God. Faith always brings the fulfillment of the Promise.
         As you’re watching the weather reports today, why not put them in a little different perspective. As you pray for the storm to be turned away from American coasts, pray that God’s love will explode over America as powerfully as that hurricane. That it will reach every bit of her land and her people in a glorious outpouring of the reign and the rain of the Holy Spirit.  Pray for the promise of power from on high for this nation and the explosion of His restoration in us. Pray that when the enemy comes in, like a flood, the Holy Spirit of God will come in and plant the banner of truth over us again so that it is clearly seen.
         Beloved, the promise of the power of God is for all of us who know Him. Just as it began in this nation over 200 years ago, the promise of His power is still there. It may be covered over in places but the covenant we have with our God still rests in the heart of His people.
Begin to remember the glorious truths of what God promises us. Remember the glorious power of His unstoppable love.  Begin to agree with His will for us, and His power to perform it.
Consider the hurricane force of His love sweeping across our land again. Consider what could happen if the power of His Spirit was poured out again, like a hurricane.

Power Thought: Jesus said our job is to believe and then ask. 

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