Sunday, March 29, 2015

Power Of A CAN DO Attitude

Key Scripture:  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13
Power Point:
     One thing I love about God is that He always uses such extravagant language.  Have you discovered the glorious words "all things" in your Bible? The word for "all things" means "each and every one".   In Ephesians He tells us that He has given us all things in Christ.  In other words, each and every spiritual blessing that Jesus had- He has given to us! In Colossians He tells us that He has already strengthened us with all of His own power and might.  In Romans He promises that all things will work together for good as we unite with Jesus and Holy Spirit in prayer.  Isn't that extraordinary? Every single thing going on in your life right now is one of the "all things" that your heavenly Father has promised to craft into a good thing.
     If you look at Philippians 4:13,  it is the perfect picture of the new creation in Jesus.  It's not the "old man mentality", but the life changing "Can Do Attitude" of someone who knows their God.  Perhaps its time we got a little "Attitude Adjustment".   What do you think?
 Here is the Suzanne Declaration from the Suzanne translation of Philippians 4:13:
     I can be powerful and have the strength to overcome in each and every situation.  I can be strengthened every day and in each and every thing I encounter.  I CAN DO that because of Jesus in me.  He strengthens me and increases His strength in me to enable me to overcome each and every force that comes against me; every situation, every condition, every circumstance, or every emotion.  
     Because I do not waver in unbelief, I can grow strong in hope and I am fully and completely convinced that God will do what He has promised. Yes.  I can!

     Because He has already given me every good and perfect gift through the power of His Holy Spirit; because through His great and precious promises, He has blessed me with each and every spiritual blessing; because of His anointing of power and goodness and fruitfulness, I can do what He tells me to do in the full and complete resurrection power and company of Jesus.
     Because of Him, I have hope, I am thankful in each and every thing, I am bold, I have the might to do each and every good work that He places in my path.  I have all the wisdom and spiritual understanding I will ever need because of His glorious power working in me.  Because of that power I make glorious decisions, which bring glorious results.
     I am different from who I used to be.  I am more than I used to be.  I am BECOMING who He has planned for me to BE, as I believe. I intentionally increase His strength in me, by thinking higher, stronger, more powerful thoughts. I will think about Him and be stunned by the wonder of who He is. I will think about how He is transforming me into a powerful warrior Bride.  I will think about the joy of victory, and the sweet smells of success that He has set before me.  And I will think only on those things.
     Therefore I can do each and every thing required of me today through, with, and in Christ as He increases His strong power in me.  I can be who He has created me to be.  And I can do whatever I need to do because I know that in each and every circumstance, each and every condition and each and every emotion, there is a violent force for good working for me.  Why?  Because God is with me, and God is for me.
And He has freely given me all things!

Power Declaration:
 I think He can.  I think He can. I know He can!
I think I can.  I think I can.  I know I can, because He can!

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Friday, March 27, 2015

Power of Getting Ready!

Key Scripture:  "You have seen well, for I am READY to perform My word."  Jeremiah 1:12
Power Point:
     Sometimes it seems that God takes a long time to "get ready" to perform His word doesn't it?  Sometimes I have to "unpack" some of the words I've held in my heart for YEARS and remind myself that they're still there and still waiting to be "performed".  Sometimes, when I re-read them, and declare them, I can see progress that I hadn't noticed before.  I may not see the complete answer but I can see what He's done in me, or in my situation, or in someone else in the process.
     When the answer comes, it seems to come "SUDDENLY".  I've heard actors say that though the world considered them an "overnight sensation", they've been working toward their goals for years and then "suddenly" they are discovered.  People have no idea of the patience and hard work that has brought them to this place.
     I recently read that Julie Andrews was literally an "unknown" when she made "The Sound Of Music".  She had made "Mary Poppins" but it had not yet been released. She had no idea that this production would become the iconic piece that it is today, fifty years later. The film was made in Austria, which was cold and rainy most of the time.  The opening scene, which everyone loves, with Julie on the mountain top singing 'The Sound Of Music", was grueling to film.  It was cold and rainy.  The sun came out only for brief moments.  The force of the wind from the blades of the helicopter that kept circling her could knock her off her feet if it came too close. But she persevered and became an "overnight sensation" after performing for most of her life.
    Whatever the word is that you're waiting for the Lord to perform in your life, know this, that in the process, He's making progress.  Sometimes the winds will try to force you off your path but remember this-God's timing is perfect. His WAYS are perfect. And He's
getting you ready to be an "overnight sensation".  When He does that and other people say, "Look how SUDDENLY that happened!", you can smile to yourself because only you will know how long the nights were, how long the time seemed, and how you learned to stand in the face of total discouragement.  Only you will understand that God has spent years preparing you to prepare the way for His "suddenlies".
    Only you will understand the transforming process that has brought you to a flourishing finish.
So, get ready, because God says HE is ready to perform His word.

Power Declaration:
I believe God.  I know He is working on my behalf in everything in my life. I know that He is FOR me, and WITH me, and moving heaven and earth on my behalf.
I know He is GOOD and I know that no word of His will return void. My future is full of "suddenlies" that I have not even imagined.  I will be ready when He is ready to perform His word.  Suddenly, and completely, and with a flourish! I will be an overnight sensation!

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Power Of Final Authority

Key Scripture: "My word will not return void.  It will prosper in the thing for which I have sent it." Isaiah 55:11
Power Point:
    What is the final authority in your life?  Who has the final say in what you think or what you do? The other day I was listening to Jerry Savelle and he described the time when his dad had a massive heart attack. The doctors had given him up.  Jerry walked into his room and said, "Dad, we can let what they say be the final authority or we can let what the Word says be our final authority.   It's up to you.  I will set myself in agreement with you."  His dad said, "I don't want to die."  Jerry and he agreed that God did not want him to die either and seventeen years later he is alive and well.
    The important thing to understand is that "something" or “someone” will have the last word in our lives. We just need to be sure what or who that is don't we?

I can't let what I see be the final authority. The Word has to be my final authority.
I can't let what I don't see be the final authority.  God is creating what I don't see.That's my final authority.
I can't let what I hear from others be the final authority. What I hear from God has to be the final authority.
I can't let symptoms be the final authority.  The nature of God and the Word of God, have to be my final authority.
I can't let lack be the final authority in my life.  The promises of God are my final authority.
I can't let the present be the final authority.  God's plans for redeeming the past, and establishing me in those plans are my final authority.
I can't let sorrow be my final authority.  Hope is my final authority.
I can't let anger be my final authority.  Love is my final authority.

    Whatever seems impossible, or incapable of being changed is not the final word.  There are some words that are not in God's vocabulary: Impossible, incurable, unchangeable, and unbelievable.  He likes the words:  Possible, Curable, Changeable, and Believable. 
That's our final authority.

Power Declaration:
I love knowing that God says that nothing in my life is impossible to change.  I believe that since He has good plans for me, He will change what needs to be changed for those plans to come to pass.  He will show up and work things for my good. He will bless me. He promised that. I agree with Him.
That's His final word on it and it is mine too.

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Power Of Taking Off The Limits

Key Scripture:  "Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this.  He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination!  He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you!"  Ephesians 3:20
Power Point:
     "The kingdom of heaven is God's abundant life of salvation, peace, power, evangelism, integrity, purity, miracles, strong families, health, prosperity, blessings and more.  We are commanded to pray "THY kingdom, THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  This is God's highest expectation that these will manifest;  and this faith pulls them into our experience and those of others. My future is as bright as the promises of God.  I therefore am a person of abounding hope.  I expect God's goodness to increase daily in my life and surroundings." (Steve Backlund).
     In the last few days, I have been hearing three words; Measure, Limits, and Abounding.
It seemed everything I listened to had one or all of those words. When I asked the Lord what He was trying to tell me, He showed me a picture of myself in a HUGE field.  I could not see the borders of it anywhere. There were no boundaries.  I saw myself kneeling on a tiny plot of land on one side of the field.  There were four large stakes, iron with holes in the top, with a strong yellow cord going through the holes.  It looked as though I had staked off room to plant a garden.  I could see myself pouring seeds into the earth and then I realize that I had many more seeds than this tiny plot of land could ever hold.  I needed to expand my little plot of land.
     The Lord said, "Suzanne, the field is my gift to you.  It represents the Kingdom of God.  You have staked off a tiny portion of it and gotten comfortable there. You have placed limits on the Kingdom of God by your limited understanding of all that I have given you.  I am measureless.  The Kingdom I have given is measureless. The more you explore, the more there is to explore. You will never find the boundaries of it. The more you stay where you are, the less you will have of My kingdom in your life. That is not My desire for you.

     Will you trust Me?  Will you take the limits of my abundant power and let it work in you and through you?  Will you cast away the old limiting thoughts that you've nurtured all these years? Will you begin to explore My Goodness, My Faithfulness, My Love, My Kindness, and My JOY in you and for you and let the GOOD times roll?  (He really did say that!)
     My power is measureless as it springs from My Holy Spirit.  You are complete now, in Jesus. You do not have to wait another moment to explore the vast dimensions of the gifts I have given you, of the blessings that are waiting for you, and the joy that I have set before you.
Stop measuring me, My Beloved, by your limited standards.  Think higher and your life will BE higher."
"How do I do that Lord?" I asked. 
    "Trust what I tell you and then begin doing what I tell you to do. Don't make excuses and drop back.  If you do not see immediate results, do not make excuses for Me.  I am working.  I am with you. When you take the limits off of your limited imagination, My promises will spring to life in you and everywhere you go, you will bring My life.  It won't matter what you see, you will know that you know that you know that My power To you, In you, and Through you is absolutely abundant and abounding with My life.  Take off the limits."
    I could see myself sitting thoughtfully after this conversation and finally I stand up and begin pulling up the stakes, all those thoughts in me that were limiting His power.  Only then did I really begin to SEE the field, the Kingdom of God all around me. What joy!

Are you ready to pull up stakes and take the limits off of God?

Power Declaration:
Today I am defined by what God says I am.  I define God by who HE says HE is.  I will not limit God by my experiences or my thoughts. "My future is as bright as the promises of God, and therefore I am a person of abounding hope!"

Copyright ©, 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work