Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Power Of Seeing

Key Scripture:  "And Abraham called the name of the place, "The Lord Who Sees."  Genesis 22:14
Power Point:
When I awoke, the song, "Holy Spirit, You are welcome here" was playing in my head. Part of it says, "Let us experience the glory of Your Presence." It occurred to me, that its one of those praise songs that I like, but its not entirely accurate. It sounds as though you're begging God to release more of who He is to you. He can't. You are already FULL of the FULLNESS of God.  Every step you take today is taken with God's presence gloriously present in you, and in every inch of the atmosphere around you.
    When the song says, "Open the heavens and come down."  It sounds good but it's not accurate.  He already did that.  Remember Christmas?    When the song says, "Create in me a clean heart oh God."  He has already given you a brand new one.
     God has always desired a relationship with us, a holy relationship, whereby He could be a part of us every single second, of every single moment of every single day. Now, by the power of His Holy Spirit, all of Him is available to us all of the time.  Heaven IS on earth right now. God's power IS on earth, in our lives, right now.
Can you "SEE" that?
    We do not ever have to beg God to come, Beloved. He did that, once, and for all time.  Our great joy is to begin to see and pursue that glorious Truth.  Did you ever make a mistake so great that you thought God would remove Himself until you got your act together?  He may be silent, He may be sad, but He's still there.  It's the one thing God can't do!  He can't "take Himself back".  His Holy Spirit in us is continually present, waiting for us to "SEE" Him.  Beloved, God is here.  His name, "Immanuel" describes that. Isaiah says, "Call Him, the "One Who is with us".

What are YOU calling God today? 
Are you calling Him with you- a very present presence?
Are you calling Him the Lord who is with you in all of your circumstances?
Are you calling Him with you as Healer, Provider, Deliverer, and the Prince of your peace?
Are you calling Him loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind and gentle, and faithful?
Abraham called Him, the "God Who Sees". What are YOU calling Him today? 
        My son and his family live in another state.  I only get to see them if one of us makes the effort to "be seen".  We have to schedule a time, pack our bags, get on a plane and do the work of "seeing". David is still my son, even though he's not always "present". He's still in my heart, but I have to make an effort to "see" him.
The truth is, God was present in you and around you when you woke up this morning.  He has put heaven in you, within easy reach.  He's got you in His heart and you've got Him in yours.
He's not going anywhere, and you're not going anywhere without Him.
Beloved, you are the place where God is today.  He is WITH you.  He's waiting for you to "SEE" Him.
He's ready to be your peace as you leave anxiety behind.  He's ready to fill you with His patience and love when anger tries to capture you.  He's ready to defeat fear by His great love for you.  He sees it all.
Will you "see" the "God Who SEES" today? 
Power Thought:
You can always tell when God is there because Joy fills the atmosphere.  Peace explodes.
Wisdom shines its light in the darkness. Problems have solutions.  Solutions have blessings attached. God has made every effort to be "seen" by us. Will you make the effort to "see" Him?

Copyright © 2015 , Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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