Friday, March 27, 2015

Power of Getting Ready!

Key Scripture:  "You have seen well, for I am READY to perform My word."  Jeremiah 1:12
Power Point:
     Sometimes it seems that God takes a long time to "get ready" to perform His word doesn't it?  Sometimes I have to "unpack" some of the words I've held in my heart for YEARS and remind myself that they're still there and still waiting to be "performed".  Sometimes, when I re-read them, and declare them, I can see progress that I hadn't noticed before.  I may not see the complete answer but I can see what He's done in me, or in my situation, or in someone else in the process.
     When the answer comes, it seems to come "SUDDENLY".  I've heard actors say that though the world considered them an "overnight sensation", they've been working toward their goals for years and then "suddenly" they are discovered.  People have no idea of the patience and hard work that has brought them to this place.
     I recently read that Julie Andrews was literally an "unknown" when she made "The Sound Of Music".  She had made "Mary Poppins" but it had not yet been released. She had no idea that this production would become the iconic piece that it is today, fifty years later. The film was made in Austria, which was cold and rainy most of the time.  The opening scene, which everyone loves, with Julie on the mountain top singing 'The Sound Of Music", was grueling to film.  It was cold and rainy.  The sun came out only for brief moments.  The force of the wind from the blades of the helicopter that kept circling her could knock her off her feet if it came too close. But she persevered and became an "overnight sensation" after performing for most of her life.
    Whatever the word is that you're waiting for the Lord to perform in your life, know this, that in the process, He's making progress.  Sometimes the winds will try to force you off your path but remember this-God's timing is perfect. His WAYS are perfect. And He's
getting you ready to be an "overnight sensation".  When He does that and other people say, "Look how SUDDENLY that happened!", you can smile to yourself because only you will know how long the nights were, how long the time seemed, and how you learned to stand in the face of total discouragement.  Only you will understand that God has spent years preparing you to prepare the way for His "suddenlies".
    Only you will understand the transforming process that has brought you to a flourishing finish.
So, get ready, because God says HE is ready to perform His word.

Power Declaration:
I believe God.  I know He is working on my behalf in everything in my life. I know that He is FOR me, and WITH me, and moving heaven and earth on my behalf.
I know He is GOOD and I know that no word of His will return void. My future is full of "suddenlies" that I have not even imagined.  I will be ready when He is ready to perform His word.  Suddenly, and completely, and with a flourish! I will be an overnight sensation!

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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