Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  You are Christ’s body, that’s who you are!  You must never forget this.  Only as you accept your part of that body does your part mean anything.”  I Corinthians 12:27 The Message
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female; for you are all one in Christ.”  Galatians 3:28

Power Point:
The thing that I find most distressing in our political system is the division.  You may have noticed. The Republicans cannot partner with the Democrats to get anything done because both parties feel that they are right.  In fact, this has carried over into our society hasn’t it?  Over the last thirty years, we have become a divided nation. We are no longer “Americans”; we are divided into "something-Americans". Our political decisions are founded on who believes what we believe. If you are in one group, you don’t listen to anything the other groups say. When you think about that you can see that it separates us. It gives our section of society a more important role in our thinking than simply being Americans. We take our viewpoint and instead of being pro-America, we are more concerned with what our particular group thinks. What that does ultimately is destroy the fabric of America, the ability to work together in unity for a common goal under God's direction.  It is the very thing that made this diverse country a powerhouse in the world, and for the gospel.
     I’ve heard many people say, “I was born a Democrat (or Republican) and I’ll die a Democrat (or Republican).  My daddy was a “died in the wool” ___________ and I will be too.  I can promise you this- your daddy’s political party is not even remotely similar to the one he supported back in the day.  Are you more concerned with remaining true to a party, or your daddy, or true to asking God’s opinion on the matter? Isn’t His opinion most important?
     You see, Beloved, first and foremost you are a son or daughter of God Almighty.  That’s where your first allegiance should be shouldn’t it?  What do you think God thinks of your party’s platform? What does He think of the party itself and its ability to respectfully listen to each other’s opinions, to bring honor.  Can they talk things through and do what is best for America, and not the factions in America? It doesn’t matter whether you are a Republican or a Democrat -it matters what God’s plans are, and who will partner with Him to make them happen. It matters that you listen to His plan for America, and then vote it into existence.
      We are to be the UNITED States of America. And yet everywhere you look you see division. We have to stop contributing to that. If every Christian sought God first, and his/her party second, we would be united again wouldn’t we? We would have Godly wisdom and treat each other with dignity. Both parties would be better off. And so would America.  
If I could rephrase Galatians 3:28 it might read like this:
There is neither Democrat nor Republican, there are no classes among you, and there is neither male nor female; because God has made us one in Christ.
Are you a Democrat or a Republican or a part of the body of Christ?
It’s just a thought.

Power Prayer For America:
Father, forgive me for contributing to the division of these United States. Forgive me for thinking my viewpoint, my opinion was more important than anyone else. Forgive me for not walking in love and wisdom. Show me how I can walk in unity with You and my brothers and sisters in Christ. You’ve made us an army but we seem to be going in different directions. Bring us back, Father. Restore the years the locusts have eaten. Remove the deception from our minds.  Show us what is good, and what You require of us- to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You.  (Micah 6:8)
Let Your Truth keep marching on.
In Jesus Name.  Amen

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