Thursday, May 3, 2012

Power of Offenses

Key Scripture:  It is impossible that no offenses should come. Luke 17:1
Power Point:
If you are human, you can understand that can’t you? I find that I have many opportunities weekly, perhaps daily-(make that hourly), that someone or something will offend me. The Word for “offense” means something that “snares” you. It’s like a piece of bait that lures an animal into a trap. Once you take the bait, the trap swings shut and you’re trapped. It’s easy to take offense-it can be very tempting-but it’s a lot harder to live in offense.
When you are offended, you are hurt, and you are angry, and if you allow the offense to remain, you become bitter. When bitterness takes root in you, you become totally deceived. When you are deceived, you can’t hear God’s voice. In fact, in Hebrews 12:14, 15 God puts it as plain as the nose on your face.  He says, “Pursue peace with all people.” Ouch. Peace with everyone? Surely He didn’t mean every one. Darn.
When we refuse peace bitterness has a chance to grow and blocks out the light of Truth.
I know you’ve never done this but you probably know people who get mad, get offended and then get bitter. When you listen to their version of the events that led up to the offense, they have done nothing wrong and the other person is totally at fault. You can stay in that place or you can “move on”.  You can forgive and then pursue peace and reap the rewards of peace in your life or the rewards of bitterness. Can you remember even one time when Jesus was bitter about something that happened to Him or something that someone said about Him? I know He had plenty of opportunities but He never “took” the bait. Some of His last words were, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing.” It never occurred to Him to take up an offense. It shouldn’t occur to us either should it?  Because Jesus chose to live life “unoffended” we can too. Because He died without ever allowing bitterness to grow inside His heart, we can too. The same Spirit that gave Him the ability to live an “unoffendable” life lives in us. And He never takes offense.
Peaceful relationships are one of the biggest blessings we can have in our lives aren’t they?
Imagine what your life would be like if every single relationship was at peace. Imagine what your life would be like if every member of your family pursued peace with each other. What about your church?  Your office? Hmm.
Think of how peaceful WE would be if every other person we knew was pursuing peace with US?
Beloved, we could change the world and I think that’s exactly what our Father had in mind, don’t you? Do you think that’s why He told us that we would be known by our love for one another? What does it do for the Father’s heart when we walk in love, and peace? It honor’s Him doesn’t it? It blesses Him and it brings Him the greatest joy.
Let’s do it! Let’s refuse to take the bait that Satan offers us and choose to let Holy Spirit do in us what He did in Jesus-forgive, bless, lay down our lives and pursue peace. It only seems impossible Beloved. Remember, with Him absolutely every single thing is a distinct possibility.
Power Thought: If you don't take the bait, you won't gain the weight of bitterness.

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