Friday, June 15, 2012

Power of Waiting and Seeing

Key Scripture: "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."  Psalms 84:10
Power Point:
Many times when I was a child, I could hardly wait for the surprises on my birthday or at Christmas.  If I asked my mom what I was getting she would always say, “Wait and see!” The process of expectation was great fun. My imagination would run wild with thoughts of the presents that would soon be mine.
I’ve found that my heavenly Father is very much invested in teaching me to “wait and see” just as my mother was. In fact, I have found that He fills the “waiting” with wonderful thoughts of what I can expect from Him. He LOVES the waiting and He wants us to love it too.
One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 64:4,5.  It tells us that no one has ever seen a God like our God who faithfully and steadfastly acts for the one who waits to see what He will do.
In fact,  in the Hebrew, it says that He meets us as we come to Him. He is coming toward us as we are coming toward Him in expectation of His goodness.  But here is the key: He meets the one who is waiting expectantly, confidently assured that He is coming toward them.
I love Jesus “famous last Words”, in Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…then you will be My witnesses.”  He was telling them to “wait” for what was coming next. And what was coming next was the greatest flow of power from heaven to earth that had ever been seen. No one had seen a God like that before. So, what did they do?  They waited.  And waited. And waited some more.
And what happened next? “Suddenly, (after a long time of waiting), there came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. …And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” I guess you could say, it was worth the wait.
Beloved, God is on His way to meet you with powerful answers, and perfect peace, and wonderful surprises from heaven. Will He meet you on the path?  Are you the one who is confidently moving toward Him with great expectation?
Well pack your bags and start moving in the right direction. God is already acting on your behalf. Don’t you want to see what He’s doing?
Power Thought:

The God who created heaven and earth has created something wonderful for you. Just wait and see!

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