Sunday, December 15, 2013

Power of Teeth

Key Scripture:  "The enemy comes, seeking whom he may devour."  I Peter 5:8
Power Point:
I recently had to have some dental work done. The older I get, the more I appreciate good dental care AND strong teeth. I'm in Phoenix this week and on the first morning after my arrival my seven year old Reagan woke up crying from a bad dream.  She dreamed that sharks were surrounding her.  It frightened her badly.  She came in and tucked up in bed with me and we had a wonderful "Holy Spirit Moment".  I told her to imagine those sharks with NO teeth. She laughed and said she could see them.  Then He told me to have her close her eyes and see the sharks.  She did and then smiled.  She said that the main shark had one tooth.  I asked her if they looked confused and she said, "Yes!". Of course the visual was wonderful but being able to guide Reagan Grace into seeing in the power of the Holy Spirit was an amazing moment.  Remember, there are NO junior Holy Spirits!
     As we talked, I explained that God says He always gives us victory over the enemies that come against us.  He takes out their teeth!  In I Peter 5:8, it says that the Enemy is always looking for someone to devour.  That word means to "swallow up".  Well, he can't devour anything if he doesn't have any teeth can he? 
   In Psalm 3 there is a wonderful example of this. David is telling The Lord that his enemies are getting more numerous.  They are increasing.  And as they are increasing and moving in for the kill they are taunting him with the phrase, "There is no help for you in your God!"   BUT, David knows that God IS his shield.  He understands that God always hears him and will protect him. And then, there it is, in black and white, "You have broken the teeth of the ungodly." The enemy is now powerless. 
     I don't know what enemy you are facing today but I do know this.  In David's time, God made frequent visitations in response to His people.  The power of the Resurrection fills us with the fullness of His presence, in us and around us at all times. When Jesus finished His assignment here, He had effectively broken the teeth of the enemy.  He has no power to bite you anymore. He can try, but if we are confident in our God, he has no teeth to chew you up and spit you out!
     Ask Holy Spirit to help you picture that as Reagan did.  Picture Jesus walking out of that tomb, kicking the enemy in the teeth and then seeing those gums with no teeth in them.
With no teeth, he can't rob, kill or destroy anymore.  With no teeth he doesn't look nearly as scary does he?
Power Thought:
"For you have struck all my enemies on their cheeks. You have broken the teeth of my enemy."  Psalm 3:7 

He's still got a big mouth but his bark is worse than his bite!

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