Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Power of Sin

Key Scripture:  IF we confess our sin...
Power Point:
The Hebrew word for "sin" is "avon".  It means to "fall short of the goal, to miss the mark".  The root of the word is "avah", which means to twist and to distort.  When you think about it, twisting and distorting are Satan's favorite methods to steal the Truth from our hearts, are't they?  There have been times in my life when I've believed his lies, to my great sorrow.  Later, as Holy Spirit began to show me the Truth, I would find myself amazed that I could have fallen so far short of what God had told me. 
The thing I've discovered is that while Satan is "twisting the truth", the Holy Spirit is "tweaking the truth".  It can be a very uncomfortable process as you have to choose which side you are going to be on. For example, we know that we are to love everyone by the power of God's love in us.  Jesus said that "Love is the fulfilment of the law.", and then He proceeded to demonstrate that for us by the way He lived His life.
      We begin our day, determined to love just like Jesus does.  Usually by ten o'clock, God has arranged for you to encounter someone who will earnestly demonstrate the need to be loved, unconditionally, and far beyond your ability.  In other words, He will send you the answer to your prayer to help you love the unlovely by sending someone you don't even want to be in the same room with. That's God TWEAKING you.  At the same time, Satan will begin whispering in your ear, that God certainly didn't mean for you to love that person.  Nobody could love someone that so obviously falls short in every area. Surely this is the exception to the rule and he will convince you that this tiny deviation is okay with God. 

When God is tweaking and Satan is twisting, God will always have prepared you for the process. If you concentrate on His words, and lean into His Spirit, you'll find that you already know what is truth and what is a "twisted truth".  The good news is that He doesn't give up on tweaking that truth until you have finally had your "Aha!" moment and have begun to see the Light.
Perhaps your issue today is patience. Perhaps you've been missing the mark of compassion, or kindness, and you are wondering what happened to your peace.
Why not ask Holy Spirit to help you see where Satan has "twisted" a truth, an emotion, or a state of mind so that He can "tweak" it and help you stop kissing the mark He has clearly set for you.
The wonderful news is that because of Jesus, we have more peace with God than we can ever use up.  Every moment of every day, because of Jesus, we can have God's thoughts on our minds.  Those thoughts are always higher and deeper than we can imagine.  His thoughts will continually "tweak" your thoughts and bring you to the next level in the Spirit. He wants, above everything, for you to KNOW the Truth because it's vital for your good, and for your success. It will set you free.
Are you being "tweaked" or "twisted"?  Probably both.  When that happens, dig into the Truth that God has offered you for your situation. Those who handle money on a regular basis have learned to study the "real thing" so that when the "counterfeit"comes, it is easily recognizable.  Like a counterfeit bill, it's easy to see the "lie", when you study the Truth.
God has promised to make the "crooked places straight" in your life. What is He tweaking right now?
Power Thought:
Is it time for an "Aha!" moment? God isn't worried about your sin, Beloved. He's already nailed it.

Copyright ©2014, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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