Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Power Of What Jesus Does

Key Scripture:
Power Point:
     When I am blasted with unkindness and unforgiveness, it hurts.  It's not something I am used to.
     What I love knowing about Jesus is that He gets down to where I've been tossed on the ground and He speaks words of admonition, love and grace, and comfort.  His kindness flows over the wounds of unkindness and heals them.  His grace and mercy put me back on my feet, and back into life,                                                                 arm in arm with Him. 
     Do you remember when Jesus looked Peter in the eye and told him that Satan would be trying to tempt him?  Then, after Peter had betrayed Jesus, Jesus looks Peter in the eye, again. Without a word being spoken, Peter is convicted.   He knows the magnitude of his betrayal.  This was his friend, and this was the Son of God.  How wonderful it must have been when after the resurrection, Jesus makes sure that Peter knows he is welcome, and wanted.  "And be sure to tell Peter to come."
     That's what Jesus always did. That's what Jesus always does.  He accepts us, and admonishes us with the most extraordinary grace. And then its over; really, really over. He won't mention it again. He's the loudest cheerleader on the side-lines of your life urging you to run your race-and help you to win it. He jumps into the race with you and laughs and says, "Come ON, _________, you can do this!  We've got this!" I'm in it with you.  And I never lose.  LET'S RUN!"
     Do you remember the sack races where you stood side by side with a friend and each of you put a leg into a burlap sack?  You had to learn to run together in order to win. You couldn't run on the strength of your own legs, you had to develop a trust and a rhythm to run together to win the race.  That's what Jesus does with us. He is stronger, but He wants to develop a rhythm with you so that you can run just as He does. And win.

     From the side-lines you can hear all the clouds of witnesses cheering you on.  Those witnesses have experienced exactly what you have experienced. They've failed. They've sinned.  Theyve fallen from grace, but Jesus got back in the race with them too.  That's why they're cheering so loudly.  They KNOW from personal experience how Jesus does things. That's the real cause for celebration isn't it?
      He does not condemn you.  It's not His nature.  He simply says, "Go and sin no more."   Get back into your rhythm with the King of kings.
     Run past your accusers.  They seem very unimportant compared to Jesus, don't they?  Run past your sin.  Looking at it now, through Jesus's eyes, it only makes you love Him more as you realize how He has dealt with it. You still have hope. You still feel loved.  In fact, if you asked Him today about the sins you committed yesterday, He would say, 'Huh?  I don't remember." Maybe that's one reason He's full of joy all the time.
He loves setting people free.  That's what Jesus does.
     Jesus is full of grace and mercy.  You can't upset Him or keep Him from accomplishing His purposes in you.  He knows that when you finally give up on your own self-efforts at righteousness, you'll come to Him and be transformed by his grace and mercy. Beloved, you'll be astonished at the party He throws for you.

Power Thought:
Jesus has always planned a flourishing finish for you. That's just what Jesus does.   Philippians 1:6

Copyright © 2014, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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