Friday, April 27, 2012

Power of Leaping To Conclusions

Key Scripture:  "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults-unless of course, you wan the same treatment."  Matthew 7:1, The Message
Power Point:
I’m learning in my vast age with my vast accumulation of wisdom that I’m not always right. It's a shock.
I have always been a “fixer”. I guess because I’m analytical my brain is continually searching for answers to the questions I have. That’s okay as long as it is for my own best interests. I get into trouble when I try to “fix” everyone else.
Have you ever found yourself looking at someone else’s situation and feel that you know all the motives, all the reasons, and of course, all the answers? Me too. Holy Spirit keeps reminding me that I am not Him.  He reminds me repeatedly that He is the only one qualified to be Him. Darn.
At any rate, what I am learning is that it is “My job to love them, pray for them, and give wise counsel (from Him if asked. “ (Do I need to repeat that?) The other thing I have learned is that because  I don’t know all the circumstances, I can draw wrong conclusions and then I get into the sticky area of judging or criticizing. The main reason Jesus was so successful was that He never spoke a word without hearing it from Father first, nor did He do anything without seeing it in His Spirit first.
Don’t you think that’s a good plan?  Before we go out taking big leaps into conclusions that are not sound, maybe we should spend more time with the real Holy Spirit and get His take on things. If we do that, we release heaven to earth and not earth to earth. Can you hear the huge sigh of relief from heaven?
So today, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to point people to the wisdom of Holy Spirit, and then pray for their ability to hear and to see what their Heavenly Father so longs to show them. Then you are to sit back and be very thankful that the real Holy Spirit is on the job. It will keep you from leaping to conclusions that won’t help anyone.
Power Thought:
Taking a leap of faith for someone is better than leaping to conclusions don’t you think?

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