Monday, April 23, 2012

Power of Your Stance

Power of Your Stance
Rooted and grounded
Key Scripture:  Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground.”  Ephesians 6:14, NLV
Power Point:

Our wonderful heavenly Father, the giver of very good gifts, has given us the power and the authority and the tools to be sure that we can stand. That means that whatever the enemy throws at you, you have the divine connection and partnership, the faith, the promises, the wisdom, the power and the authority as His child to stand against whatever enemy comes to steal your land and your dreams, to destroy your family or your hopes, and to stand firm because you know that God is good, that He will never leave you to fight your battles on your own.

I heard someone ask the other day, “What is your stance in your circumstances?” It’s a great question isn’t it? If we are rooted and grounded in the love that God has for us we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He will not let us be ashamed of our hope in Him. How could a perfectly loving God leave us defenseless? He never intended that we be left to our own devices and just plod along day after day, miserable and alone. He has given us everything we could ever need to “prosper and have good success” and get the victory whenever we need it.
It all begins with our “stance” in our circumstances doesn’t it? If you are overwhelmed and overrun by what is happening in your life you won’t take a stand against it. If you believe deep down that God doesn’t care about “this” and won’t lift a finger to help you, you’ll never stand.  My friend Julie shared a story recently about her young son who was a strong willed child when he was small.  It was a very hard place for her. One night at church the pastor gave the illustration in his sermon that if you had a strong willed child it was your fault. He said that God had given you that child because He wanted to work some of the flaws out of you. Imagine how that landed in the middle of her circumstance! How could she ever stand against that lie that God had caused the very thing she was struggling with the most.  Fortunately she now knows that God would NEVER do any thing like that.  But if she had not grown in her knowing of her heavenly Father, she could still be standing UNDER the circumstances, and way out of the realm of possibilities.
Ever been there? Are you there now? Then could I make a suggestion?  Instead of looking around you, look UP! Look up all the wonderful things God has told us about Himself. Look up the words that Jesus said about His Father. Look up the passages on the life of Jesus and how he came to defeat the devil. Look up what God considers good and not evil. You will realize that He’s always on your side.
Beloved, the only way around that mountain blocking your path is to find out who God is and who He wants to be for you there. When you really know that, you’ll be ready to stand firmly until the battle is over.
And beloved it’s all over but the shouting!
Power Thought:
What stance are you taking in the midst of your circumstances?

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