Thursday, April 12, 2012

Power of Restricting the Resurrection

Key Scripture: And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”
Acts 2:8
Power Point:
We’ve been busy, busy, busy thinking about Easter, planning for Easter and all the wonderful celebrations that happen around that time of year. But now it’s the week after Resurrection Sunday and I’m wondering how powerfully is the power of the Resurrection flowing in your life today?
As Christians we believe that the Resurrection is the highlight of our year. Why? Because it means that Jesus defeated the enemy for us, when we couldn’t do it for ourselves. It means that God’s power trumps Satan’s power in our lives forever. It means we’re forgiven but it also means that because He won that battle once and for all, we have His Spirit living in us forever. That means “Power” with a capital “P”!  It means we have the ability to receive all that Jesus died to give us.  Or not.  It means that there is no room for impossibilities in our lives anymore, because with God, all things are possible.  It means that because of the Resurrection we can live protected, in abundance and free of our past so we can get in line with God’s plans for a glorious future.
Resurrection is a very good thing. Wouldn’t you agree? The word means bringing something to life that’s been dead. It means revitalizing and bringing back the original plan. Have you ever thought about the real picture of Good Friday when Jesus breathed His last? The graves were opened and the formerly dead walked right up to the cross and said, “Thank You Jesus!” I remember the soldier standing at the foot of the cross whose comment was “Surely, this was the Son of God!”  Why did he say that? Was it because he saw the formerly dead making their way through the streets of town? Was it the earthquake or the temple veil being torn from top to bottom.
You see Beloved, when we really look at the Resurrection-it’s a pattern in Jesus’ life isn’t it. He always brought life out of death. The ultimate sacrifice of His own life for us is still doing that today. Are you in a “grave” place right now? Have you forgotten that with Jesus a resurrection is always there for you?  Did you forget for a moment that “with God all things are possible?”
Will you take the limits off of the Resurrection power of God for your life today? Will you let Him go beyond the natural to the supernatural, from your limited imagination to beyond all that you ask or think?
It’s time we stopped putting restrictions on the Resurrection don’t you think? It’s time we let the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead have total access to our lives.
It really is time Beloved. Give Him the freedom to be God. In you and for you. Hallelujah!
Power Thought:
Is there a "grave” place in your life where you’ve buried the power of God? Is it time for a resurrection?

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