Sunday, June 30, 2013

Power Of Unfolding

Key Scripture: "The unfolding of My Words brings light." Psalms 119:130
Power Point:
     Recently I was thinking about our own personal atmosphere.  I asked the Lord why it was so important.  He showed me a picture of myself waking up in the morning.
Where I am in my bed, is lit up by His light. I sit up and stretch and began my day, as I usually do, talking to Him.  I begin by thanking Him that "this is the day He has made for me and I am going to rejoice and be glad in it."  As I speak out those words, the light around me begins to unfold as the sun does each morning. It begins to flow out of my bed and into my bedroom.  As I continue to speak His words over My day, I can see the light flowing out of my bedroom and down the stairs, throughout the house, until it reaches the borders of my property. By speaking His words I have unfolded His plans and His power into every part of my life. I have literally unfolded the Kingdom of God and brought heaven to earth. As I saw the vision, I heard the word, "unfolded"  When I was led to Psalms 119:130 I was unaware that the word "unfold" was anywhere in the Bible. And I was also unaware that the very next sentence says, that when His words are unfolded in our lives, they "make wise the simple." And before you go there, "simple" doesn't mean "simple-minded in the usual sense. It means OPEN-minded. In other words, you lean past your
understanding and become open to what He says. God is saying that when you unfold His words in your life, they will make you wise. Anyone need a little wisdom?
     Our atmosphere is critical to our success. And I determine my own atmosphere. No one can destroy what I establish because God will move heaven and earth to make sure that they can't.  Your words are either unfolding the Kingdom of God over your life or the Kingdom of Darkness.
When you agree that your problems are too hard, too big, or too impossible, you are agreeing with the king of the kingdom of darkness. When you unfold God's Words, His promises, His character, His Kingdom, you are declaring abundant life. You are loosing heaven to release everything that Jesus died to give you.
     Beloved, don't you think it would be wise to "take thought" about what you are unfolding into your atmosphere?
Are you worried about something? Unfold the Kingdom of God.
Are you frightened about something?  Unfold the Kingdom of God.
     Establish your atmosphere with His words. They will unfold everything you could possibly need or desire. He speaks it. You agree with it. It is created.
Power Thought:
The words that you speak, you also hear. The words that you hear will echo for a long time.  What will you speak today? Whose kingdom will you establish?

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