Sunday, November 17, 2013

Power Of Sparkling

Key Scripture:  “Let no corrupt (rotten, putrefied) words come out of your mouth but only those that are good for building up another.”  Ephesians 4:29

Power Point:
     I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie “Pollyanna”.  It was one of my favorites when the children were growing up.  A few weeks ago, I was in my intercessory prayer group and the Lord reminded me of the scene in which Pollyanna discovers prisms. An older gentleman has quite a collection of them and together they string them up and what was a pretty dull room becomes a place of beauty as the sun shines on the prisms and makes rainbows on the walls. She is so enchanted by them that she takes them to an elderly lady who has decided to die, (many years before her time).  Together they hang the prisms and again the beauty of the sun shining through them transforms the room.
     Have you ever thought that our words are supposed to be “sparkling” with the light of the Son? That they are to be prisms that shine on walls that people have built in their lives and bring a reminder of the rainbow of promises that God has promised them?  Isn’t that what God does to us?  Doesn’t He always affirm His love for us and encourage us in our faith? I have a study book called “Sparkling Gems”.  It is actually a word study on different words in the Bible. Time after time I have gone to that book and discovered another "gem" that Jesus wants to see sparkling in my life.  I love the way Holy Spirit always allows us to see the shadows in our lives in order to "complete" what is missing in our experience of Him. As He did with Abraham, He is always pointing us to the future and the possibilities He has prepared for us.  If you think about it, not one time did He punish Abraham for Ishmael.  He did not punish Sarai for laughing. He just reminded them of the promises before them and the faithfulness of their God to complete the good work that He had begun.
     In a few weeks Ill be going to Arizona to see my family there.  I intend for it to be a "sparkling" visit!  I'm taking prisms that we can hang together. Each one will be a representation of a "Sparkling Word".  Together we'll be reminded of the words we speak and whether they sparkling with light or shut out the Sun.
Have you ever been with someone who was always pointing out your faults?  Usually you can’t wait to get away from them.  On the other hand, when you have made mistakes, or are lacking in understanding, don’t you treasure the moments you are with someone who thinks and acts like Jesus with you?  Are you grateful for kind words that point to your future with hope?  Of course you are.
     As you make your way through this day, I hope you’ll remember Pollyanna’s Prisms.  And I hope your day will sparkle!

Power Thought:
The way we talk is an indication of the way we think.  Is it time to “think higher”? 

The Prism Scene from Pollyanna

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