Friday, March 14, 2014

Power Of EXTRA-Ordinary Kindness

Key Scripture:  "Dont you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Cant you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?"   Romans 2:4,NIV

Power Point:
    I've mentioned many times that this is the Scripture that best describes my introduction to Jesus.  We were at a point in our lives, (age 32), when things were falling apart.  My husband, Dennis and I, had two children. He had a "decent" job but didn't make a great deal of money. He traveled a LOT!  Our daughter was six and our son was about three.  When I had become pregnant with David, out of the blue I had developed asthma.  It had been a near death experience several times.  David was continually plagued with ear infections. It was a tough time.  We loved each other but "life" as we knew it was stealing our optimism and our dreams. It was a definite wilderness. 
     Through a series of encounters with the Holy Spirit, Dennis came home and introduced me to Jesus.  I had known "about" Him, of course.  Most people did!  But I did not understand that He was the perfect representative of a heavenly Father that loved us beyond anything I could imagine. 
     It was Easter weekend in 1974 and Dennis walked through the door with such peace that it literally made me stop and look at him.  He was always a good man. That was never in question. But on this day, he had a new "something" about him.  it made me stop and take notice. It took me about two weeks to unzip the body bag of lies that I thought were truths about God and let the Real Truth set me free.  As I look back at that time, I can definitely tell you that it was the extra-ordinary Kindness of God that led us to think differently about Him. When God's Spirit came in, He soothed our troubled hearts.  Eventually He changed our circumstances.  From that day to this, I cannot imagine a kinder person, ever.

     I came from a family that was not necessarily kind. We loved each other but sarcasm was the tone of the day.  It might have sounded funny but it caused deep wounds. Sarcasm seems to be the tone of the day today as well, doesn't it? At any rate, God knew that every human being, every person He has created on the face of the earth, needs kindness and so He sought us out to demonostrate His kindness to us.  He knew we needed it.
     It has taken me a long time to understand the tone of His voice.  It is always kind.  He may be firm, but He's always kind.  He may be in the process of "training me for reigning", but He's always kind.  He may see some flaws. (He DEFINITELY can see my flaws!) but in His kindness, He causes me to think differently and change direction.
    In Ephesians 4 and 5 we are told to imitate Him, and to walk in love.  If you remember, the first description of "love" in 1 Corinthians 13 is that "Love is KIND!"   God is Love and God is Kind-"Extra-ordinarily" kind.  In His kindness, He believes the best is yet to come for us.  In fact, He knows it without a doubt.  As a child of God, as the ones He's chosen to be like Jesus and change the world, His emphasis is always on kindness. Sarcasm, and criticism are not kind.  Unforgiveness and anger are not kind. Impatience is definitely not kind.
     Hopelessness is not of God.  He has always wanted us to live filled with an anticipation of His kindness. In April of 1974 He opened the door of hope in the wilderness for us, just by showing us His kindness.
I want to be just like Him when I grow up.  Don't you?
    Today, He will show me somehow, some way, a greater measure of His kindness than He showed me yesterday.  It's my job to excel in that same kindness.  It's your job too!
     The Greek word for "kindness" means "goodness in action, sweetness, gentleness in dealing with others.  It means the "ability to ACT for the welfare of those taxing your patience."  (NSFB) It describes the nature of the Holy Spirit in you.  Today YOU have the extra-ordinary ability to be kind; to the unkind, to the unlovely and to those who are taxing your patience.  That's the greater work that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you today.
Will You take Him up on it?
Power Thought:
God is able to make extra-ordinary kindness available to you and through you today, tomorrow, and always.  Kindness is a way of life for God. Never forget that. 

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