Sunday, March 23, 2014

Power Of Really Believing

Key Scripture:  "Have faith in God." Mark 11:22
"Embrace the God life.  Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you."  The Message
Power Point:
     Sometimes its just good to reflect on where you are and where you've come from isn't it?
     This weekend I was privileged to be a part of an event that raises money to build wells all over the world. Those wells change the lives of people.  It makes dry desert places come alive with water.  The people can plant gardens and the animals can drink to their hearts content. It takes hours off their days. Everything flourishes because of those wells. The ministry is called "Widow's Mite" and it was breathed into life by one of my very best friends, Janet Baker.  As I was reflecting on all this today, The Lord allowed me to ask myself some questions about what it would be like to have no hope.  What would my life be like without Him? What would I do if I couldn't rely on His word.
     As I pondered on the lives of these people, most of whom are living without God, I had to ask myself some difficult questions. What would my life be like without God?
     The thought occurs to me, that believing His word is what we are supposed to do.   It's the foundation of faith.  If I didn't have His Word to believe, what would I do? What if His promises aren't really true? What if He didn't mean what He said?  What if He only meant SOME things? What if He only meant some things for some people?  What if the important day to day things, like healing and wholeness, and safety weren't really meant to be reality for me?
What if every promise was just words on a page? What if they were never to be applied to my life?  What would I do if I couldn't believe God? Or hope in Him?  Or trust Him?  Or know that He would lead me by His Spirit and keep me from stumbling or falling?
     What if the only future and hope that I had was one of my own making?  What if He only meant SOME things? What if the important day to day things, like healing and prosperity, and safety weren't really there for me?
What if every promise was just words on a page that were never meant to be applied to a life?

   What if my future was only dependent on other people, or the government?
What if every dire situation in my life was going to stay that way? What if I didn't have any help from heaven?
What would I do if I couldn't believe that I was loved, and cherished and that the best was yet to come?

I asked Him,  "What would I do if I didn't have You?"
And He replied, "But you do."

     Thinking those thoughts is a good thing.  It helps me to understand how people feel who live without faith in a loving God.  But the sad thing is, that many "Christians" live that way too don't they?
     Even though we have this extraordinary God that has come to live in us, and fill us with all the riches of heaven, we live like we don't believe it.  I've watched my friend Janet weather a lot of storms in the last ten years.  She didn't make it through those storms with willpower.  She didn't change people's lives by her great personal strength.  She has succeeded because she knew she could trust God.  She knew that what she was doing had been given to her by Him because it was a job He wanted done and she was the one He had chosen to do it. She's had faith in Him and He has rewarded that faith.
     Beloved, we have to examine ourselves to know where we are really standing spiritually? Are you living your life believing God?  Are you living your life filled with hope for the future or are you worried that His Word won't be true for you?  Do you waffle from day to day about how true the Truth really is?  Are you thinking that God won't really be God for you?

Some of us live as though we don't have God, don't we?

But we do.

Power Thought:
"Anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that He exists and that He cares enough to respond to those who seek Him."  Hebrews 11:6
Do you?

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