Monday, April 28, 2014

Power Of Preparation

KEY SCRIPTURE:  "I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

Power Point:

     I've been thinking a lot lately about the value of being prepared.  After all I WAS a Girl Scout when I was younger and that is their motto.  
     Life can throw you a few curves can't it?  You can be strolling along your normal comfortable path and suddenly the earth shifts beneath your feet and you find yourself hanging on to anything you can grab onto for dear life.  I've been seeing a lot of pictures lately of houses with huge sinkholes developing under their foundations and swallowing them up.  Not a pretty thought, I know, but very descriptive.
     The thing is, that when the unexpected happens we have to scramble to find our footing don't we? What I've discovered over the years is that as I look back behind my present circumstance, I always find the path that God had been preparing for me.  He knew that when the earth would begin to shake under my feet, that I would need to know He had my back. I've learned that from experience.   I've also learned that I can't put God in a BOX!  He doesn't like them and He doesn't fit.  He keeps getting out.  He keeps doing things in a totally different way that He's ever done them before.
     Julie and I were talking to a young woman yesterday.  She has been a Christian for twenty years or more but her view of God, her experience with Him, is still trapped in the vision of Him that she had when she was fifteen. He was patiently trying to tell her that He could do more, BE more and be BIGGER than she could imagine.  She spent quite a while telling us how she was perfectly satisfied with God where He was.  We got the feeling that God would REALLY like to get out of that BOX!

     The box she had Him in was “peace”. As long as she could find peace in a situation, that was all of God she needed.  He likes peace and He IS peace but He's also joy.  Lots of it!  He enjoys quiet, still times with us but He is also a Man of action. This lady was walking through some pretty deep waters and she was sinking beneath the waters of her circumstances. It was time for a new revelation of who God wanted to be for her. 
     When you think about it, God is actively at work in us, for us, and ahead of us.  Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place."  While He is busy doing that, the Holy Spirit is busy preparing us for that place.  In the meantime, He expects US to prepare ourselves to receive what He has prepared.  Remember the 10 virgins? Five of them were so busy NOT preparing that when the time came (that they should have been prepared for), they missed the party. And in fact, they missed the joy of the preparation. They missed those special times with Holy Spirit, growing and enlarging their vision of what heaven wants to be on earth.
     Beloved, God is prepared to do much more in your life, so much more. He is, of course, love and joy and peace, but He is also POWERFUL. He does miracles every day for someone.  Why not you?
Power Thought:
If God is prepared to BE more in my life, why don't I make room for Him to do that? Here is a simple prayer to invite Him to do that:
"Father, Will You enlarge my vision of Who You are, of Who You want to be for me, and What You are prepared to do in me and through me? I want to bring heaven to earth with You. I want to let you out of the Box I’ve prepared for You so that You can prepare miracles and good works for me.  I want others to see how BIG You really                                                         are!  Thank YOU!

Are you aware that "It's Time To Power UP!", the book is available on

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