Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Power Of Living On The Edge

KEY SCRIPTURE:  “This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life.  Its adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike, Whats next Papa?   Romans 8, The Message
     People would probably look at me and think I must lead a pretty boring life.   I'm a senior, a grandmother. My life is pretty much not in the hustle and bustle of today's world. But they would be wrong! Boring it is not!
     Every morning when I open my eyes to unfold my day, I find myself seated in heavenly places.  I find myself deep in conversation with the God of the universe, the God of the Angel Armies-the most amazing Person you could ever meet. He is never boring!  I find myself living on the edge of miracles every day. I see God working on my behalf every single day.  I find myself growing every day.
     I've been in movies where I've found myself sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next. Will the end be a happy one?  I've found myself on pins and needles with excitement when my grandchildren are coming for a visit, anticipating the joy ahead. I usually can't stay in my chair! I'm bustling around getting ready.

     Beloved, as God's children we should always be living on the edge of our seats, full of pins and needles, because we know that today we might be on the verge of a miracle.  We might be steps away from seeing explosions of God's powerful goodness in our lives.  When you think about the children of Israel as they waited in Egypt for God to deliver them, they were probably on the edge of their seats when the Angel of Death flew over their homes.  They were on the verge of a miracle.  They were probably full of goose bumps as they watched the Red Sea part in front of them and then saw their enemies sink into those same raging waters.  What a stunning picture of the life of the children of God.
      We can either live “just surviving” or sitting on the edge of our seats with anticipation of what God is going to do next. I love the story about the twelve spies who went into the Promised Land to scope it out.  Ten of them came back only aware of the problems, the giants, and the impossibilities. Joshua and Caleb came back on the edge of their seats full of anticipation of what God could and would do for them.
Beloved, we must stay on the edge of our seats.  We were never meant to "survive", or "just get by".  We were meant to live expecting miracles every single day. Doesn't the fact that today you too can be seated in heavenly places with Jesus stir up some excitement in those tired old bones?  Doesn't the fact that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, and is working tirelessly to hear your prayers and deliver the answers give you a boost?
     The word "verge" means, the edge of something.  It means that
the point at which something is going to happen is NEAR!

Are you on the verge of your miracle?
Are you right on the borders of the land of Promises fulfilled?
Are you steps away from encountering the Presence of God on a whole new level?
Are you on the edge of your seat with anticipation of what God is going to do today?
     This gray haired lady is always on the edge of her seat.  Boring?  Not a chance.  The gray hair just means that I've had more opportunities than you young whippersnappers to see God be God every day in every way.  I live amazed at Him. 

Power Thought:

God has GOOD things, GOOD thoughts, GOOD plans for your "today".  That's something to look forward to with great anticipation isn't it? So what’s next Papa?

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