Sunday, May 4, 2014

Power Of Blessing

Key Scripture:  "I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing."  Genesis 12:2
Power Point:
     Everyone likes to talk about being blessed don't they?  I know that it makes a difference in my outlook when I remember that God intends to bless His children. He's removed the curse from their lives so that they can live a blessed life. One of the meanings of the word "blessed" in the Old Testament is "adored".  When God told Abraham that He would bless him, He also meant that He adored him.
     In the New Testament, Jesus gives us a wonderful picture of what "blessing" looks like in Him. In the Greek, blessing is defined as "happy, supremely blessed, a condition in which CONGRATULATIONS are in order"  It is a description of the the joy and satisfaction that belongs to a person who knows Him. The Amplified Bible puts it this way: "Blessed, happy, enviably fortunate, and spiritual prosperous (that is with life joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation) regardless of their outward conditions."  I guess you could say that describes an abundant life.
     God's word says we are blessed.  Sometimes its hard to feel blessed isn't it?  I heard TD Jakes the other day with the perfect words to remind us that in the middle of the muddle, blessing may not feel like blessing.  Here is what he had to say:

" Remember that God says, "I SWEAR I will bless you" because sometimes it looks like I'm going to KILL you. Sometimes its going to look like I'm digressing on My Word.  Sometimes its going to look like I'm a liar.  Sometimes its going to look like serving Me doesn't work. Sometimes its gonna look like trusting Me didn't pay off, and sometimes it's gonna look like you're going backwards instead of forward. And sometimes things are gonna get worse before they get better. Sometimes the wrong people are going to leave you so that the right people can come into your life.  Sometimes you have to digress in order to make progress, BUT, I swear I'm going to bless you!"
     God promised David anointed him to be king- and then sent him back to the field to shovel sheep dung.
     "When you're shoveling sheep dung, remember, I'm going to bless you!
With every shovel remind yourself-don't quit, don't give up, don't collapse, don't faint at what you're going through, though it seems remedial and disconnected.  When it's all over it's going to work for your good. I swear I'm going to bless you!
     You don't have to FEEL blessed to be blessed.  You have to stand on what you believe and then bring your feelings into alignment with what you believe."
I couldn't have said it better myself!  BE BLESSED!

Power Thought:
Will you live your life today as though "CONGRATULATIONS are in order"?

Copyright© 2014 Suzanne Roberts Unpublished Work
Did you know that "It's Time To Power UP!", the book is available on

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