Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Power Of Knowing

Key Scripture:  "That you may really come to know-practically, through experience, for yourselves-the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge, for yourselves, the love of Christ."  Ephesians 3:19, Amplified Bible Power Point:
     You've probably heard the phrase "He (or she) is a real character!".  Usually that's not a good thing. Yet character is the thing we most rely on in our Heavenly Father isn't it? Some of the definitions of "character", are "fine, excellent, high grade, superior."  Other attributes that are important are kindness,generosity and loyalty.
      We NEED Him to be fine, excellent, high grade, and superior, don't we? We need Him to be kind and generous, and loyal to us.  We need Him to be someone we can rely on. We need to know that He's there for us. We need Him to keep His Word.
     I heard Graham Cooke say that eventually you move past faith to "knowing".  It took me a minute to process that, but I could see that it was a great nugget of truth.  We begin our Christian life constantly trying to walk by faith, pushing through barriers; not knowing but going. As time passes, we have thousands  of opportunities  to know Him. We've been through storms He's calmed, and walked through deserts where He's provided water, and opened doors of hope. We've come to realize that it is His nature to "be there" for us in any situation; that somewhere, somehow, He has a plan that will make even this thing work together for good. Because He IS good.  Because He IS love.  Because He IS full of grace and mercy.  Thank You Jesus!
      When you first became a Christian, you knew it was a wonderful
experience but I imagine that, like me, your walk of faith began in total darkness. You probably realised that something was different but you had to take the first step in darkness. Proverbs 3:19 says, "The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more-brighter and clearer-until it reaches its full strength and glory..."   As life has evolved, and you have set your feet firmly on the Truths of Who God IS and What He has promised you, the path becomes brighter. You know that you know that you know that He is good, and that He keeps His Word. You just have to keep your little feet moving on the right path. You can do that because there is not a doubt in your mind that He will keep you safe. You just know.
     You know without having to "work up" faith, because you have a history with Him.  I was telling someone the other day about a situation in my life that is difficult right now. The Lord began to remind me of several instances in my life where the situation was exactly the same and He had kept me safe, and He had done it with kindness, grace and faithfulness.
     Beloved, at some point we have to come to the realization that God IS faithful. We don't wonder about it.  We don't worry about it.  We just know.  The decisions become easier to make because we know He's giving us wisdom to make them. We know that something good is on the way. We've seen Him in action. We have a history.
     Phillip asked Jesus to "show them the Father".  Jesus replied, "Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me?"  If you're still struggling to walk by faith, perhaps its time to remember what you know.  Knowing is the result of Faith that has grown into total trust in the character of God, because you have a history together.
      What you hoped for is now solid ground for you to walk on. The path is becoming brighter with every step. The Truth of God's character propels you forward.  You know that whatever He is going to do, it will be done faithfully, kindly, and with excellence.
     Go God!
Power Thought:

You will be like a well watered garden
Is your faith growing into knowing Him?

Copyright(c) 2014 Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work.

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