Sunday, October 13, 2013

Power Of Dams

Key Scripture:  Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way.  (He said this in regard to the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were about to receive).

John 7:38
Power Point:
     My friend, Julie and I were talking together yesterday about a recent ministry time.  We both had experienced “troubling” things right before we got in to the car to go to minister to someone.  The Lord has been talking to us at great length about “Worship”  and “declaring His promises”. We made a definite commitment to do just that. So our entire time in the car was spent singing and praising and stirring up God’s promises out loud and with great vigor! We did not make one mention of our difficulties.
     Later, as we made our way home, we were discussing how “easy” this Sozo time was; how beautifully everything had flowed and how the Holy Spirit had brought such revelation. It didn’t take us long to figure out why. We had set aside our problems and embraced the Presence of God and made Him Lord over our problems.
    This week I heard someone say that "Faith is a channel".  And it is isn’t it? If you look up the word “channel”, it means to “direct something in a particular direction.  To form a “groove”.   In other words, you make a groove for water to flow.
     Julie was telling me that on part of their land they were having a problem with standing water.  In the last year or so the power company had taken heavy equipment on their property to destroy a beautifully built, STRONGLY built beaver dam on a neighboring property. As a result of their work, water can’t flow on their land anymore. It just stands there.
     STANDING Water is water that stands still. It doesn’t flow. It doesn’t do anything. The longer it stands, the more it becomes, brackish, or ineffective.  Unless you channel  that water-unless you direct it into the right groove, it will never do what it was meant to do. It causes problems for everything that lives around it.  Like Julie and her neighbors, the standing water on their land makes it very muddy. They can’t even walk there because their feet would sink in that mire. Now its up to the power company to figure out a way to get the water moving again. They have to find a new channel for all that water to flow.
    In the spiritual realm, we can dam up the power of all that Jesus died to give us.  Beloved, you’ve been made a joint-heir with Jesus. He’s given you a constant source of water that is full of LIFE, and full of power, to bring heaven to earth.  He’s given you His Holy Spirit to be on constant “go” mode in order to do what Jesus did; in greater numbers, and with greater power.
Have you thought about that?
     Is something damming up the flow of all that wonderful living water in your life? Why are you in a dry place?
Could it be fear or unforgiveness or a lack of passionately pursuing to understand all that you are in Jesus?
      Have you not been reading your manual on “Flowing Water for Dummies?” Ah. 
     The good news is that you can tear down that dam right this minute! Your very own personal Power Company, which includes your heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are ready to put on their hard hats, destroy those dams, and get the water re-directed and flowing again into every area of your life. They want it for you, even more than you want it for yourself.  Smith Wigglesworth once said, "God is more eager to answer than you are to ask."  I believe that.  Do you?

     Beloved, there’s no need for you to stay “dammed up”.  You can be "Powered UP!"! Let the power of God in you go to work for you and make a new channel for His life to flow. 
How can you help this project of dam destruction?
-Praise and worship are absolute keys to making the rivers flow again. They bring God on the scene. He inhabits our praises, remember?
 -Making your requests known to God and then receiving the answers.  BELIEVING that God is Who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do.  For you. For always.
-Identify and search out what your manual says about how to flow in the Spirit.
-THINK on THESE things. The other things dam us up. Don’t give them the time of day. 
-Passionately pursue your inheritance.
Power Thought:
“May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so  that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with HOPE!” Romans 15:13, The Message
Flowing just seems like more fun doesn't it?

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