Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Power Of Making Progress

Abby and Lollipup
Key Scripture:  He who has My commands and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.”  John 14:21
Power Point:
      As you know, we LOVE dogs at our house.  We have a plethora of them.
Our dogs are well behaved and obey our commands. They’ve made progress in the process of learning to be part of the family. They’ve learned to “Sit!” “Stay!” and “Come!”
     When we first bring those little bundles of joy home, they have no clue what those words mean.  They just love being puppies. But as they get older they need to learn some commands that will keep them safe, and give them some boundaries.  My daughter often keeps a Wheaton Terrior when her family is gong to be away from home.  Her name is Abby and she is a very sweet girl. HOWEVER, she is much larger than our toy poodles AND she has no boundaries. None. Zip. Nada. She has boundless energy and she just loves life. When you add that to the fact that she loves to spring up on you from behind, and spring up on your head while you are sitting-well, you can see the problem. One day, I was leaning over the front seat of my car, when she jumped on my back and I did a nose dive.  I was thankful for the soft seats!
     Don't get me wrong!  I love Abby.  I DON’T love the part of her that still acts like her life is her own and has no respect for my boundaries. We are making progress in the process of growing her self-control so that she can become a wonderful part of the family.  When we began to try to correct her exuberance for life we had to put a leash on her when someone came in the door.  We had to begin giving hand signals that said, “STOP!” There’s a boundary here!”  Now she still jumps at times but then immediately sits and looks at you and says, “Sorry, I forgot!” I’ll do better next time.”  Hopefully she will. I think we’re making progress!
     The thing is Beloved, sometimes God needs to “put a leash “ on some of our behaviors.  Sometimes He needs to teach us to “stop!” some poor behaviors and learn some new ones.  Sometimes He needs to teach us to “Sit! Stay!, or Come!”  That gives us the ability to learn to make progress toward being more like Jesus, doesn’t it?  One thing I really love about my heavenly Father is that like me with Abby, He doesn’t smack her or yell, (I have yelled in surprise!) but He calms me down, sits me down, and begins to explain why “that” behavior needs to be transformed. And then He gives me opportunity to apply what He’s taught me.
I’ve seen people who are judgmental and critical, or complaining.  We can never make progress in the process of becoming all that we are meant to be if we continue to do that. One of the “boundaries” of His kingdom is to love one another. We need to put a “leash” on any behavior that is out of line with that.       Any unkindness is way out of bounds for the kingdom of God. Like our heavenly Father, we are to encourage, edify, teach, help, pray for, and generally do everything we can to help the people in our lives make progress in their process; that they learn to “Sit” when told or “Stay in place”, or “Come” to Him.
    There are very clear boundaries in the kingdom of God.  Love one another is really key isn’t it?  This is from The Message, Matthew 5:21-24:

“You’re familiar with the command to the ancients, “Do not murder.’  I’m telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder.  Carelessly call a brother, “idiot”, and you just might find yourself hauled into court.  Thoughtlessly yell “stupid!” at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire.  The simple moral fact is that words kill.”
    Are there some behaviors you need to “STOP!” today so that the kingdom of heaven is able to pour out its blessings on you?
What is the process that Holy Spirit is shining His light on in your life? Are you making progress? 
Sit.  Stay. Come to Him.
     The meaning of the word “repent” means to turn around and go in a different direction.  It means stopping one behavior and replacing it with a new one. I was listening to a song by Sandi Patty the other day and one of the phrases was:
“Our lives are the throne where His glory’s shone!”
 You are an ambassador for Christ, and of His kingdom. What’s shining from your life today? What will you stop and what will you start?
Power Thought:

Any unkindness is out of bounds for the kingdom of God.

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