Monday, October 21, 2013

Power of Seeing

Key Scripture:  We walk by faith and not by sight.”  2 Corinthians 5:7
Power Point:
   My friend Julie just got some new glasses.  She was so excited because she thought that they were going to help her see things better.  The unfortunate thing is though, that when she put them on, things were a little blurry.  She was having difficulty negotiating her way through words on a page.
Finally she returned to the store where she had bought them and met with the Doctor again. He retested her and reset the prescription. 
       Sometimes I need to let God reset my prescription. I need to let Him show me how I’m seeing things. He can help me to see things more clearly.  When I look at people or situations in my life I want to be able to “see” them through God’s lenses.  I want to “see” everything in my life as He sees it.  Don't you?
    Imagine your day today if you consciously determined to see everything as God sees it. What if, instead of focusing on your problem, you focused on the Promises of God for that problem?  What if, instead of focusing on the mountain, you focused on that mountain skipping its way into the sea?  What if, instead of focusing on what “could” happen, you set your sights on what God says can happen?
This is a thought from Joel Osteen's book, "I Declare":

"Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe something will happen that we cannot see.
Fear believes the negative.
Faith only occupies itself with hope.
Fear says, “Business in slow. You’re going under.”
Faith says, “God will supply all of your needs.”
 What we meditate on takes root. If we go around all day thinking about our fears, playing them over and over again in our minds, they become a reality.”

      What we believe becomes what we SEE.  

     Do you need some new lenses?  Probably.  We need to adjust our eyes every day so that we are continually seeing “more” like Jesus sees; continually focusing on the unseen until it becomes “seen”. Spending time with Your Father and asking Him if you can borrow His glasses might be a good start.
Seeing is believing after all.
Power Thought:
Seeing what God sees in the way He sees it, will give you 20/20 vision.

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