Sunday, June 29, 2014

Power Of Steadiness

Key Scripture: "Have I not told you? Be strong (steady and firm) and of good courage. Do not be dismayed for the Lord is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Power Point:
     My dad loved to sail. Often I would hear the phrase, "Steady as she goes!" come out of his mouth.  It meant that the person at the helm would keep the boat steady in the winds and on the waters.
     Steadiness is key to the Christian life isn't it?  Our faith cannot be strong one minute and weak the next.  When you remember the disciples in their little boat in a big storm, the last thing they felt was STEADY.  Then they saw Jesus, asleep at the back of the boat and remembered that He always brought peace to them.  They woke up the Prince of Peace and He calmed the storm. When He took over control of the boat, the storms obeyed Him. The waters and the winds that were threatening to sink them, responded to the authority of His peace. He steadied them, put them back in order, and they could continue their journey under the control of His steady peace.
     Jesus never lost sight of who He was and what He had been chosen to do. He never lost sight of His purpose or His calling.  He walked through His life in steady peace, steady love, steady authority.  His gaze was always clear and unwavering. He had a steady hand. He was living proof that God was good and had good news for the world.
     You may be experiencing a "storm" in your life today.  You might be tempted to shift your gaze from what Jesus has promised you, to the winds and the waves. Beloved, you have a heavenly Father who is firmly at the helm of your little boat.  You have a heavenly Friend who knows how to steady the ship.  You have all of God in you, in the steady presence of the Holy Spirit.  He's steadily fixed and firmly determined to strengthen you if you ask Him.  His gaze will not waiver.  His grasp will not loosen.  His job is to make you steady as you go.
     All of His power, peace, and authority is in you right now in the Name of Jesus.  If you remember, the word ''hear" means to "see the Name".  Listen for the sound of His voice.  It will steady you. You can choose to SEE the Name, SPEAK the Name, and STEADY yourself by calling out all that is in you; to take authority over all that is around you.

You can be steady as you go!

Power Thought:

The steadiness of your faith reveals the steadfastness of the presence of Your God, and the steadfastness of His promises.

Copyright (c) 2014, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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