Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Power Of Being Touchy

Key Scripture:  "Love is not touchy!"  I Corinthians 13:5
Power Point;
    Let's face it-sometimes we are all touchy aren't we?  Touchy means that we're irritable or short-tempered.  In fact, Webster says that a person who "touchy" is easily ignited.  A good example of that is when I take my fire starter and turn on the gas in my fireplace and watch the flames spring up.  If we're easily offended, or touchy, we start burning up on the inside don't we?  We may not say anything outwardly, but we're saying a LOT on the inside.  Unfortunately that works against us.  That anger or irritability literally changes your body chemistry and affects you negatively.  If it is allowed to continue, ultimately it will cause you to lose your spiritual strength and illness may result. Touchiness can burn us up.  I remember reading a story years ago about a lady who was bothered by unexplained high fevers. Her doctor, after a few weeks of treating her, realized that she continually said, "That just burns me up!"  Her body was responding to her irritability and touchiness. Fortunately the doctor was able to point out the problem and they dealt with it.  No more fevers.
     This is why Jesus said, "I'm leaving you MY peace-take it!"  (Suzanne version). He knew we were going to need it!  The truth is if we are rooted and grounded in Him, we do not have to stay "touchy".  In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says that God's love in us enables us to overcome all the opportunities we have every day to be less than loving.
"It, (love), is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it.  It pays no attention to a suffered wrong."  In some versions it says, it doesn't keep count of the offense.

     That's often where we fall apart isn't it?  There have been times when I've found myself with a mental ledger adding up the "wrongs".  Haven't you?  God says we are to "add up the RIGHTS!"  That's totally for our benefit.  In Philippians 4, Paul says, "Think on THESE things!"  He then proceeds to give us a list of positive areas for us to "add up" in our minds-things that are "honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. FASTEN your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always." (TPT)  The  “right” list is supposed to be much longer than the “wrong” list!
    When we "fasten" our minds on God's perfect love we have a new focus. We have a strong place to plant our feet. When we're rooted in His love, we don't have to be touchy anymore.
We have the Spirit of Love and Grace in us to empower us to choose life. When we choose to be "touchy", we're really choosing death aren't we?  The Holy Spirit will always help us find His peace if we refuse to be touchy or resentful or worse-if we continue to add up the wrongs someone has done to us. Loving Peace can be as easily ignited as offense.  You can start a fire of the anointing of Holy Spirit.  It's always our choice.
     As we think about the perfect Love that God has for us it's good to remember that He is never touchy about us.  He could have a really long “wrong’” list couldn’t He?  But it's not in His DNA. The only thoughts that He thinks are honoring and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy and merciful and kind.  Isn't that a good thought?
     Thank you Jesus!

Power Declaration:
Today I am going to take advantage of the Spirit of Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control that lives in me.  I will love as He loves, and if I fall short He will gently remind me to move me back into the right place.  I will not add up wrongs.  I will add up "rights" 
Today I am going to think like Jesus. Period.  I will not be touchy! I will walk in Perfect Love.

Copyright ©, 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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