Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Power Of The Last Day

Power Of The Last Day
Key Scripture:  “…the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Timothy 4:6,7
Power Point:
     What if you had an early morning telegram from God?  What if He told you that today would be your last day on earth? Aside from your sadness at leaving loved ones behind, what would be your first reaction to your last day on earth. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, it’s just that at the end of this day, Jesus has decided that He wants you with Him from now on to enjoy all the things you’ve been dreaming about. How would you spend your very last day on earth?
What would you listen to?
     This is your last chance to tell everyone the most important things on your mind. I probably wouldn’t waste time by telling my daughter to be sure to empty the dishwasher. I wouldn’t tell my grandkids to be pick up their rooms. I would want to leave every person in my life with something really good to remember me by. Wouldn’t you?
     Would you spend your time wishing you had cleaned out your closets? What would be the last thing you would say to your friends and family?
Would you focus your thoughts and your time and energy on what’s been wrong with your life and with everyone in it? Would you be excited or fearful? Would you feel that your dreams had been fulfilled and your purpose completed? Would you know that you had said every good encouraging word that needed to be said? Would you believe that you had left a legacy of faith and love?
     Beloved, if we live each day as if it is our last day, then if today really is our last day; it would be the greatest day wouldn’t it? If we are truly united to God’s purposes for our lives and we are working on the piece of that puzzle every day, when the next day is the last day, we’ll be ready. We’ll be blessed and  we’ll know that what we leave behind is a testimony to the goodness and kindness and faithfulness of our heavenly Father.
     So how will you spend your day today? Will the words you leave behind be words of blessing or complaint? Will people remember your humility? Will they know how much you loved them? What will you wish you had done or said? There's still time Beloved.
     Live today as if it’s your last one and then make sure that you do the same thing tomorrow. That would be a purposeful life wouldn’t it? It would be a satisfied life.

Power Thought:
Tomorrow these will be the “good old days”. How will you want to remember them? Today is the BEST day of the REST of your life. How will you live it?
Your heavenly Father has some great ideas He'd love to tell you about!

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