Sunday, February 1, 2015

Power Of Being Centered

 Key Scripture:  "May the glory of Your Name be the center on which our lives turn."  Matthew 6:9, TPT
Power Point:
     Honoring God's Name in our lives brings Him such delight.  When we choose to make Him, His promises, and His commands, the centermost part of who we are, we allow His kingdom in us to flow freely and fully. If that's not happening in our lives, then it is time to stop and think about what we are thinking about isn't it?
Psalm 20 says that although some may boast in their chariots or their horses, (their worldly means of strength), we are to boast in the Name of our God.
Whenever we choose to have His thoughts and His plans at the center of our lives, life flows. And Beloved, it's always our choice.

I can choose to forgive and continue to choose to forgive.
I can choose joy and continue to choose joy.
I can choose life and continue to choose life.
I can and I will.

I can sow life or death.
I can sow joy and peace.
I can sow kindness
I can sow generosity
I can sow forgiving grace.
I can and I will.

I can believe God.
I can believe that what He says is what He will do in my life.
I can believe that He is better than I can believe, and bigger than I can think.
I can believe that He's busily working out every detail in my life so that it will come to a flourishing finish.
I can believe that the power of His goodness and love for me are continually forging good things for me.
I can and I will.

I can center my life around God's thoughts and plans or I can center on my problems.
I can center my life around hope and faith, and the victory that is coming because of Who He is.
I can center my life around His promises.
I can center my life around His surprising kindness.
I can center myself in the center of the Secret Place of His unconditional love.
I can and I will.

Power Thought:
Where you are centered, is the place from which your life will come. May the glory of His Name, and all that it means for you be the center on which your lives turn.
We can and we probably should!

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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