Friday, July 13, 2012

Power of Endurance

Key Scripture: “And Peter walked on the water to go to Jesus.” Matthew 15:29
Power Point:
Up, up and away! Recently the whole world watched as Nik Walenda made his famous stroll across Niagara Falls on a high wire. It was breathtaking and it was also inspirational. As he made his way, step by step, across the raging rivers, through the mist, and the heavy winds that threatened to topple him from his high perch, his dad encouraged Nik the entire way.  “Good going son.  Just adjust the rhythm of your steps.  You’re doing just fine!” His calm, confident voice continually reassured Nik with every step. The most amazing thing to me was that as he walked, Nik kept praising God. “Thank You My Father!”  “Thank You Jesus!”  “You are my Savior, You are my king.  Praise You Jesus.” -and the network did not delete his words of praise.
About midway along the rope, a weather station had been added. The extra weight caused the rope to move more violently as the station was caught by the heavy winds. I noticed that during that time, Nik was praising God more than ever.
In an interview before his walk, Nik made some very interesting comments. “If I have fear, every move I make I am reacting to the fear. It causes me to come off the wire. You have to focus on the other side and you will achieve your goals, your dreams, anything.
As he got closer to the end, the reporter asked him, “How is it making your way up.”  He replied, “I’m drained. The wind is not easy. My hands are going numb.” “What will carry you?” asked the reporter. “Pure endurance and the crowds.” Nik had trained for this event for many years. He said that if he had listened to all the media reports of the winds and the difficulties he would face it would have become debilitating.
I couldn’t help but think of Peter when Jesus told him to come to Him on the water. When he lost focus he sank. When he looked at Who he was going to, he walked on the water.  Beloved, there will be times when the winds and the waves threaten you but if you’ve been in training with your Father, you will make it through.  You will always hear His voice encouraging you to remember what He has taught you. You have been in “training for reigning” and your spiritual muscles have learned the power of endurance whether you know it or not.
Nik’s great grandfather taught him one thing that he’s never forgotten:  “Never give up!  Set your mind to it and follow your dreams. You can achieve an unimaginable, impossible dream.”
The key to reaching your dream? Stay focused on “the other side’. Listen for His voice. Praise Him at every turn in the road and endure to the end. You will get to the other side safely.
Power Thought:
Adjust the rhythm of your steps when your Father tells you to. You'll be just fine. Pursue your dreams. 

This is the program: 

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