Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Power of Good Advice

Key Scripture:  “Fools are headstrong and do what they like; wise people take advice.”
Proverbs 12:15
“Hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come.” Proverbs 19:20
Power Point:
I’ve been given some really good advice in my life. Some I listened to and some, sadly, I didn’t. The best advice I ever took was to marry my husband. Yes and Amen! The best I advice I never took was to have more children, because of course, that would have meant I would have more grandchildren and everyone knows how much fun that is!
When I look back at my life I can see a lot of times when I was definitely headstrong and did what I liked. It never worked out well.
I can remember some good advice I got from my mom and I actually received it and applied it.  My husband and I were having a “discussion” one night and she came in quietly afterwards and said, “Honey, you don’t ever want to have any regrets.” I knew she was speaking from experience so I took her advice. And I’m very grateful.
One major thing I’ve learned in the last few years is that we need other people to help us along the way to make course corrections. Of course their “advice” needs to be filtered through what God tells us but our good friends and family members, those people who love us and just want the best for us, are probably going to give us good advice. They know us so well and their perspective on things can be so valuable can’t it?
Of course, the best advice I’ve ever had has been from my heavenly Father. In fact, He usually has a good piece of advice for me at least once a day. I’ve learned that it always means that if I apply it I’ll profit from it.
The word “advice” means an opinion or a recommendation someone offers as a guide to your action, or conduct. If you are the “advisor” you need to understand that what you are offering is simply that-an offering of opinion. The Advisee does not have to “take it”. That’s when you go to Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you be gracious even though your advice has been rejected. It can be especially hard if the person who ignored you ends up falling flat on their face. That’s when you have to be really careful not to say, “I told you so!” or ”You should have listened to me!” It’s hard isn’t it?  I know.
In Proverbs it says that a man who has many people to give him good advice will be safe.  The major requirement is that those advisors are wise. You can usually tell that by the fruit of wisdom in their lives and families. You don’t want to take advice on finances from someone who is in debt.  You wouldn’t want advice on your marriage from someone who has been married three times would you?
The final authority is always the advice Jesus gave us in His word.  He promises that it will bring His life and energy to any situation we may be in. It’s always good advice.
Power Thought:
God never intended us to plow through life on our own. He’s always got some good advice for us. I guess that’s why one of His names is “The Helper” and another is "Wonderful Counselor".

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