Thursday, August 1, 2013

Power Of Consistency

Key Scripture:  “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."  Matthew 4:4
Power Point:
     Faith is the consistent principle of the kingdom of God that never, never changes.  Never.  As Christians we’ve signed up for a new way of living haven’t we?  Before Jesus, we lived by what we could touch, taste and see.
In the kingdom of God, we live by what we can’t touch, taste or see.  The consistent principle of not knowing where or who or how God will carry us forward in life is dependent upon our faith in Him.  In the Greek, the word for “believe”, means to cling to, adhere to, and rely on.  I’ve always likened it to “super glue”, and I’ve always understood that it take a very strong substance to keep us glued to God. That substance is faith in God. You can’t see Him. You can’t look ahead at the road signs and know when to turn right or left but you know that when you get a turn in the road, He’ll direct you. His “higher thoughts” will always lead you into His higher purposes for you.  
     When God says that we do not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of His mouth”, He’s saying that as His children, there’s a new way of thinking and acting that has to be consistent with the new rules of His kingdom. In the world what we “see” determines how we think, how we live from day to day. You have a choice to make decisions based on what you see or on what God says you are able to see.
Faith is not “now and then”.  
I heard someone say once that In consistency lies the key to faith.” If we are not consistent in believing that God is who He says He is, and that He will do what He says He will do, we will stay at the doorway of the kingdom of God and never enter in to all that He has prepared for us. In fact, we’ll still be “stuck” in our old ways even if we’re a “new” person.
God says that we are to live-to survive and flourish-not by digesting bread that we see but by digesting every Word that proceeds from His mouth, living bread.
Each word from The Word is the means whereby God commands us to be nourished and preserved. It’s a flowing river of His words to us and in us.  It is our job to be consistent in being tuned it to it. 
     Beloved, God’s word will always bring peace to your soul.  Peace is a result of clinging to, adhering to, and relying on your heavenly Father. Peace means that the things that you can touch, taste or see have less effect on you than the promises of God. As His words proceed in you, they will nourish you and preserve and protect you. You may not see the end result at the moment, but you can live in consistent peace because your faith is in consistent agreement with His every word. 
     Years ago I went to a Bible study with my friend, Julie. As we settled in, the leader began “worship”.  She sat down at the piano and began pounding, (and I do mean POUNDING) out a song that was supposed to bring us closer to Him.  To me it was a “cacophony” of sound. It was discordant, loud, and had the exact opposite effect from what she was intending. It’s our job to turn off the discordant notes and connect to His voice.  Faith is not now and then. Faith is always now.  It’s a choice to be connected NOW. You can’t rest on your laurels.  You can’t keep thinking about the faith you had yesterday, it’s the faith you have today, the NOW faith that will propel you deeper into the kingdom of God.
Remember:  In consistency lies the key.
 Power Thought:

Are you “stuck” to the old ways of having to see in order to believe, or are you clinging consistently to seeing what your Father sees for you?

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