Sunday, September 28, 2014

Power Of Making Sandwiches

Key Scripture:  "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things..."   Luke 10:41
Power Point:
     When I was reading this passage recently, I saw something that I had not seen before.  I had always reasoned that Jesus was talking about the current situation with Mary and Martha.  Martha was overwrought because she was concerned that her plans for Jesus, her agenda wasn't going to be completed. Most women understand having an agenda when they plan to entertain. You prepare the grocery list, you pick up the flowers, you decide who you are going to invite.  You clean the house, and make sure that everything is in top shape.  There were a lot of people in Martha's house and I certainly understand her concerns!
     What I noticed as I read these verses today is that Jesus says, "You are worried and troubled about many things."  I  think it may be possible that being "worried and troubled"  was a lifestyle for Martha.  Her life was always full of agendas.  And let's face it, SOMEBODY has to have a plan, don't they?  It's only when OUR plans take precedence over HIS plans that we run into trouble.
    I heard someone say once that Martha was making sandwiches that Jesus hadn't ordered.  Mary, on the other hand, was simply enjoying being with Jesus.  She wasn't listening to Martha, she was listening to Jesus. At some point, I'm sure she got up and went into the kitchen, probably to face a grumpy Martha, (who was worried and troubled about many things).

     God loves to override our plans. He loves doing the totally unexpected thing that makes us stop and take notice of Him.  Do you remember the day of Pentecost?  I would imagine Peter was teaching a Bible Study, and laying out plans for each person's duties so that when the "Power" came-(whatever that meant!) they would be ready and they would be organized. John was hugging someone.  Martha was probably in the kitchen.  Suddenly the Holy Spirit decides its time to interrupt all the perfectly normal, natural, good activities and make His presence known, with a surprising and totally supernatural entrance.

     He changed everything in them, and about them, and the world has never been the same since.  Thank You Holy Spirit!  It was a GREAT plan!

     Perhaps you are like Martha and you tend to be worried and troubled about many things. Jesus encourages you to choose the good part. Many things are good, Beloved, but they may not be God's choice for that moment.  Like Mary, we need to learn that sometimes just stopping and being in His presence is the good part.
     Somehow the sandwiches always get made.
Power Thought:
Many things may be GOOD, but God may have something better.
Which one will you choose?

Copyright © 2014, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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