Friday, March 1, 2013

Power Of Living And Breathing

Key Scripture:  “This is what the Sovereign Lord says:  Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!  I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin.  I will put breath into you, and you will come to life.  Then you will know that I am the Lord.”  Ezekiel 37:4-6 NLT
Power Point:
     Last night I spoke with my daughter-in-love, Kim. She told me she had an idea for a “Power UP!” from our Reagan.  Did she ever!  It seems that the other day they were discussing how God breathed life into Adam. After digesting this for a moment, our little “sparkle” girl, also known as the “WOW!” girl, said, “You mean that Daddy has God’s Breath in him?” WOW!
If you stop to think about that it can take your breath away can’t it? Have you ever thought that at some point God lovingly formed who you were meant to be and at the last moment before you were born, He breathed into you His own breath?
     I’m thinking of the valley of Dead Bones when Ezekiel is dropped off in the midst of a whole army of dead soldiers.  The Spirit of the Lord says to Ezekiel , “Tell the dead things to LISTEN to My words.  This is My promise to you, I will breathe life into you and you shall live.  And He did. Then God tells Ezekiel, to "command the Spirit, (the Breath) to breathe on and into them. That they may live."  Ezekiel did and the Spirit did and they did.  The dead army comes to life. The bones are covered with flesh and muscle and they begin doing deep breathing exercise for the first time in a long time. 
     Beloved, if you have received the“Breath of Life” in you through the Spirit of God, dead things will come to life again. If you stop and inhale the Presence of God, which fills every tiny space around you, it will cause you and your life to live again. That is the privilege of being filled with the Spirit.
     I speak from experience. A few years ago, there were many dead things in my life, not just in mine but in the people that I loved. Today, I got a call from one of those people that God began to breathe into at that time. They are living, breathing examples of the Goodness and the Faithfulness of God. And they are living proof that the Breath of God can bring even the deadest things to life. It’s no problem for Him. In fact, it's quite simple. You ask. He exhales. You inhale and the dead bones will be covered with flesh and muscle and live and breathe as they were originally meant to. There may be things that look “as dead as a doornail”, but that’s only temporary. God is still living and breathing and He wants to live and breathe in you and in those that you love because He loves them too.
Ask Him. Expect Him. And Beloved, inhale. Deeply.
Power Thought:
God always breathes life. 
The word for “Spirit” is pneuma. It means "breath". If you have the Spirit of God in you, He’s living and breathing. God always breathes life. If you’re breathing in something else, it’s not Him. Change your filters! You want to have "God breath" don't you?

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