Friday, March 22, 2013

Power Of Thinking

Key Scripture: “For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the Holy Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless, human nature” for these are antagonistic to each other (continually withstanding and in conflict with each other), so that you are prevented from doing what you desire to do..” Galatians 5:17, Amplified
Power Point:
      Thinking, thinking, thinking. So many thoughts, so little time.  If we have the mind of Christ, then of course we will be thinking about good things- life giving things.  The problem comes when we think in the flesh and not the Spirit.  
     We need to always remember that there is a HUGE battle going on inside us, all the time. Thinking isn’t a bad thing, of course, but thinking in the flesh is HORRID! Why? Because you tend to over-analyze, (usually too critically). Your judgments are not sound, and they can be unwise. In the Spirit, when you analyze things, you come from a perspective of Love; Perfect love, and wisdom, and of course, peace and faith. In the flesh your thoughts can come from a place of pride, self-centeredness, fear or doubt. If you are led by the Spirit, your thoughts are the same thoughts that Jesus thinks. In the flesh, your thoughts are always anti-Christ. I rest my case.
     One day, I was reading about the man who had been forgiven much but then refused to forgive another man for a very small offense. All he could think about was that small offense.  It says that his master threw him into jail and delivered him to the torturers. (Matthew 18)  A torturer was usually a jailer who used really nasty means to punish you.  You do NOT want to go there.  You do not want your flesh thoughts to imprison you or anyone else. You don't want to be tortured do you?  Spirit thoughts bless us with peace.
      So here is what I have learned. If I establish my mind in the Thoughts of Christ, I am being led by the Spirit and I will be thinking good things.
In fact, the Lord told me one day, “If you spent the same amount of energy in your thought life to be led by My thoughts, as you do analyzing in the flesh, you would be much happier!  Don't waste your energy thinking in the flesh. That's a choice that will only lead to death.” Well then.  
So, we all have a choice don’t we?  We can analyze things from the perspective of our flesh or from our spirit man. If we are continually building up and adding to the thoughts of God for ourselves and others it will create good not evil, love not hate, and hope not powerlessness. 
Where will you put your energies today? Will you choose life or death, or chaos or peace? Will you place your thoughts under the control and direction of Holy Spirit?  Aren't you tired of that constant war? 
Think about it.

Power Thought:
If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, the torturers will be locked up and you will be set free. Thinking negative anti-Christ thoughts only lead to destruction.

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