Thursday, March 14, 2013

Power Of More

Power Of More!
Key Scripture:  “Do all things with all your heart because you’re doing everything for Him and to Him and with Him.”  Colossians 3:23 (Suzanne version)
Power Point
I was not in a good mood. I was tired and just the teeniest bit impatient.
I was with a group of ladies and they were getting on my last nerve. Fortunately I was aware that this was a test. I had been learning about how to respond in the “opposite spirit”. I knew that the plan was to give me the opportunity to do just that. With a twinkle in His eye, Holy Spirit sat opposite me and grinned.  So I gave what I thought was a huge sacrifice. I listened while they chatted. I didn’t give advice or any spiritual wisdom. I just let them talk about silly things that didn’t mean a thing to me. I was doing SO GOOD!  Quietly I heard Him say, “MORE!"  Shoot.
God Smiling :)
So I gave another huge sacrifice of silence and patience, giving myself a small pat on the back. I heard a whisper in my ear, “More!”. And then it dawned on me that the biggest sacrifice I could make was not to consider the sacrifice a sacrifice.
I needed to think about it as something I could give joyfully to Him. Holy Spirit had uniquely equipped me to make it possible to sacrifice with an attitude of joy. He was checking me out.
By the time I got home, I was tired, but very proud of my partnership with Him.
Beloved, He wants your relationship to be a partnership. When it is, you get to experience His joy in you and the sweet thrill of success.
I realized that this test was only a little bit about making myself small and others tall. The key was learning that when I sacrifice for Him, and through Him, it’s no longer a sacrifice.  It becomes a gift that I offer Him. When I sacrifice, with an enthusiastic heart, as it says in Colossians 3:23; when I do it with all my heart then it becomes a joyful gift to Him because I’ve shown Him that I love Him more than I love myself. My disciplined sacrifice eventually becomes a game, and we both have a good time. And then when I’ve finally given all I think I have to give, I hear, “More please.” (With a chuckle.)

Power Thought:
“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” Gilbert K. Chesterton
Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice.
Michael Novak.

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