Thursday, July 11, 2013

Power Of Peace

Key Scripture: “My peace I leave with you.”  John 14:27
Power Point:
      I’m a BIG fan of Peace.  I love it when I exercise it and I miss it when I don’t.  I’ve experienced times of GREAT peace and I’ve had sad times of NO peace. 
     Many years ago I was looking for a home to buy.  I came across one that I thought was perfect.  I began working through all the details and one day my friend Julie and I went to look at it one more time.  We had made an offer and they had accepted it. This was just a “prayer” run to seal the deal.
     The moment we set foot on the property, Julie heard “Peace, peace where there is no peace.”  What?  When she said it, I felt it.  In my heart I knew something was wrong. Where everything had looked perfect a few moments before I was uneasy.  That afternoon the realtor called and said that the people had decided not to move and the contract had fallen through. Ah.  Now I had peace again.
God often leads us by His peace doesn’t He? When my husband was alive, we never made a major decision unless we both had peace about it, unless we were in unity.  You may have had a bad doctor’s report, or a negative financial report but if you will ask Him, God will release the flow of His peace in you.  Jesus came to bring us peace.  He didn’t leave us worldly peace that depends on our situation but He gave us peace that passes all our ability to understand why we have peace.
     Did you know that Hebrew word for peace is “shalom”?  It means “nothing missing, nothing broken.”  Jesus is the "Prince of Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken".  He is beyond our understanding, but He has given us the ability to feel, exercise, enjoy and radiate peace when there is no peace.
Scripture says there’s a qualification for peace.
     FIRST we receive it.   We take it!  We take what has been offered.  It’s part of the package deal when you took Jesus into your heart and asked Him to be with you forever.  Peace forever.  It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
     Secondly Scripture says that great peace have those who love the Lord.
Just like everything else in God’s spiritual kingdom, peace has to grow greater.
We begin with a love for the Lord because we are so stunned that He could possibly love us. We begin being led by His Spirit and we begin to grow in peace.  Or not. We begin to see Him work in the “dailies” or our lives and we experience Him personally.  The truth is, the more you know Him, the more you will love Him.  The more you love Him, the more peace you will have because you trust Him.  When you are rooted and grounded in love for your incredible Lord, peace comes naturally. Rest is easy, and hope and faith spring eternal.
     Peace means wholeness. It means contentment.  Peace means you are at rest. Peace means you do not fear what tomorrow may bring, or even to allow your thoughts to “go there”.  You direct your thoughts to peace and rest because you have faith that God will do what He has promised because He is who He says He is. It means that what He has promised He is perfectly ready, willing and able to perform for you.  He says in Isaiah 54:10, “ the mountains may move and the hills leave but my kindness shall not leave you, nor shall my covenant of peace be removed. I am the One who is full of mercy towards you, says the Lord.”  (Suzanne translation).
He’s saying that no matter what happens around you, His peace is inside you ready to make you feel secure and safe, because He is just about ready to bring His goodness to bear in your life.  Even when….
When we know Him, we can have peace. We can rest assured that He will be there no matter what and that He’s working out His plans to give us a future and a hope. 
You have peace because you have faith. You can’t have one without the other.  If the center of your life is in chaos, you won’t have peace at the edges of it.  If you find yourself at war with something in your life, you must take Jesus’ peace. He had peace because He knew His Father and He knew that He was good, all the time. You can have peace for that same reason. You can have great peace, beyond understanding, because you don’t trust your own understanding, you trust in Him.
Take it or leave it.

Power Thought:
What we see and what we know may be two different things.
Lean past what you see and lean into Who you know.

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