Friday, January 27, 2012

Power of Being Anchored

Key Scripture: Now we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it--a hope that reaches farther and enters into the very certainty of the Presence within the veil where Jesus has gone before us.”  Hebrews 6:18-20 The Amplified Bible 
Power Point:
As a young girl I used to go sailing with my dad and my brother. I loved it when it was pretty and there was a breeze. I did not like it when there was no wind to fill the sails or when a storm came up unexpectedly. When that happened we would have to anchor ourselves on the floor of whatever body of water we were on so that the storm could not move us off course. Being anchored didn’t always feel good. If we had pulled that anchor up we would have moved with the wind not against it. Of course we could have ended up in Massachusetts instead of Ohio but you wouldn’t have had to battle the storm-you would simply go where it took you.
Jesus is the anchor for our souls. That means that His Word, His truth is what we are always to be anchored to. It keeps us steady in the middle of any storm.  I want to ask you to examine where your anchor is fastened today.
Are you anchored to your feelings or your faith?
Are you anchored to Truth that sets you free or facts that bind you up?
Are you anchored to Who God is and Who He wants to be for you in this situation?
Is Jesus anchoring your mind, your will and your emotions or is the storm deciding where you will end up?
Beloved, Jesus passed through every situation you will ever go through. His anchor was his heavenly Father and the power of the anointing of His Holy Spirit.
You have the same privilege, the same choice, the same opportunity to be anchored by heaven in every area of your life. That’s abundance. That’s Life. That’s safety.
You are anchored by what you believe, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.
Where you place your faith will either anchor you in heavenly places or it will allow the storm to take you off course.
Which one will you choose?
Power Thought:
You can get really seasick if you’re not anchored. I speak from experience.

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