Monday, January 16, 2012

Power of Being Bullheaded

Key Scripture:  Cursed is the man who trusts in man…whose heart departs from the Lord.  For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes. But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.”  Jeremiah 17:5-7
But they did not obey nor incline their ear, but made their neck stiff that they might not hear nor receive instruction.”   Jeremiah 17:23
Power Point:
Bullheaded. Does that sound like something you want to be called? Growing up in my family with a strong German background I heard that word a lot! (Mostly describing OTHER people, of course).  Let me explain my definition of that term.  Being bullheaded is when you want your way and nobody else’s. Bullheaded is not being open to new ideas but standing in your field pawing the ground in anger when someone tries to invade your territory. I guess you could say it’s sort of like being “hardhearted” or “obstinate”.  God’s not fond of either of those. In fact, He is pretty much adamant that we not be that way.
In Jeremiah 17, God talks about the sin of Judah, which basically involved doing things their own way instead of allowing God to be their God. They had taught their children the same process and now their children were worshipping their own handmade idols instead of the living God.
God says that the man who doesn’t listen is like a “person naked and destitute in the desert, and shall not see any good come.” That doesn’t mean that good never comes, it just means that they never see it. What an awful way to live! On the other hand, God promises that any man who listens, believes, trusts and relies on Him, will be blessed. He will always be fruitful and flourishing and he will never needs to be anxious about his life. His needs are provided.
Are there areas of your life where you are “bullheaded” or obstinate? Is your neck a little stiff? Are you refusing to listen to God’s counsel for your life? Are you like Frank Sinatra and plan to “do it your way”? Do God’s cautions sometimes prick the edges of your pride and you stomp your little foot and say, “NO!”
Well stop it!  I mean it! Don’t do that anymore! You don’t want to be like a bush in the desert when you can live in the land of promises do you? You don’t want to give your children a model of rebellion when you can be a vision of faith and hope do you?  Of course you don’t. If your heart has become hardened so that you can’t hear God’s voice, or worse, you don’t even want to, then ask Him for help. You’re forgiven the moment you ask so why not ask? You enter right back into the circle of His arms the moment you ask. He loves you and He wants to help. He wrote the book on that o ne, my friend.  It’s a complete instruction book on how to live a life that is living proof of a good God who feeds, guides, and nourishes His children as the Good Shepherd and who is actively for them. Your life can prove that, or not. You can live in the desert and never see good or you can live in the circle of His arms and experience His goodness every day of your life.
If you’re naked and destitute in the desert, how’s that working for you? The thing about change in the kingdom of God is that it’s always easier than you think. With all of heaven backing you up, why wouldn’t it be?
So why not ask- for a change?
Power Thought:
Is it time to stop and smell the roses and get that "crick" out of your neck?

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