Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Power of Savoring the Moment

Power of Savoring the Moment
Key Scripture: Think on and weigh and take account of these things-fix your mind on them.”  Philippians 4:8, The Message
Power Point:
Something I have incorporated into my life in the last few years is taking time to “savor the moment”. I do this several times a day, no matter where I am or what I am doing.  Savoring something means taking the time to step back and just be grateful for that moment. Have you ever “savored” a cup of hot chocolate sitting by a roaring fire on a cold day? You take that first sip and “MMMM Good!” It just hits the spot doesn’t it? I love to get up early. This morning as I sat down in my chair, I was savoring the moment. I am so grateful for these hours that I sit and chat with the Lord every morning. I can’t imagine life without them and I tell Him that.
Reagan savoring the moment
It’s all about a decision I’ve made to simply stop and be conscious of all that I have and what that one moment is offering to me. I can remember when my youngest granddaughter Hannah Joy was born, she decided to change her due date and come early. That meant that I was the only grandparent who could get there to help. I slept in my son’s king size bed, that night, or at least that was the intention. Shortly after I snuggled in, I heard JD say, “Gami, can I sleep with you?” Sure. Then in came Benny and of course Reagan Grace soon followed. My head began to spin with all the thoughts of what would be required of me the next few days and how much sleep I would NOT be getting. And then the Lord whispered in my ear that this was His gift to me.  As I lay there in a tangle of arms and legs throughout the night all I could think of was how grateful I was for those moments. I knew God would enable me to do what I had to do for the days ahead and I would let HIM worry about my energy level.  I just lay there with those precious children-my gifts from the Lord and savored every moment.
The key word for most of our lives today is “BUSY!”  We can get so accustomed to moving at warp speed we don’t enjoy anything we are doing. How different our lives would be if we did that. You see, “savoring the moment” is really an expression of faith isn’t it? It's stepping back and reminding yourself of Whose you are and all that you have.  I’ve seen people devour a piece of cake and never enjoy one bite. I’ve also seen people who slowly enjoy each bite.  The first person will quickly forget the “moment” while the other person will call it to mind as a pleasant experience, and the same joy that they had while eating the cake will return to them. As a young mother I would hurry through my days. Sometimes there were so many things to do I was constantly thinking about the tasks that needed to be done while forgetting to step back and “savor the moment”. Instead of stopping in midstream and giving my kids a hug or reading a book with them, I needed to get the laundry done. I wish I’d known then what I know now. The “things” will probably get done even if I take a few moments to “savor” and my kids would have enjoyed those moments and it would have taught them a good lesson as well.
Savoring the moment blesses us and it blesses God. It resets your mind on the good not the bad, the beautiful not the ugly, things to bless and not to curse. That’s really important Beloved. REALLY! So will you do it?

Power Thought:
When I forget to “savor”, Life loses its flavor!

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