Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Power of Straining Forward

Power of Straining Forward
Key Scripture:  “All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits.”  Proverbs 16:2
Power Point:
I’ve seen families fall apart because everyone is straining in their own direction and nobody is going anywhere. There’s a constant struggle for everyone to get their own way. I’ve seen churches divide over the same problem.  I’ve worn myself out at times trying to make someone see what I see. I keep pouring over all my logical reasons why they should think I’m right and they just don’t get it. I can’t think why. Sometimes when that happens, I’m right, (USUALLY) and sometimes (rarely) I’m wrong. But I can fight as hard for a wrong as I fight for a right if I think I’m right.  Would you like me to say that in English? If I think I’m right but I’m really wrong I will still luse every tool at my disposal to convince you. (I don’t give up easily in case you haven’t noticed.) Sometimes I’m right but I choose to be right in the wrong way. The minute I move off the Love Walk path, I’m wrong.  When I walk away from God's code of Honor in the way I treat someone; if my opinion is more important than their opinion then I’m putting myself in dangerous territory.  Those scenarios all reek of pride, rebellion, dishonor and "stinkin’ thinkin’" in the flesh.
Ever been there? Please say yes!
The good news is that I’ve done a bit of growing up. I’ve been straining forward and I’ve learned that the important thing is to honor God by honoring people because He always does.
I’ve learned that even if someone rejects my opinion I’m wise not to take up an offense and beat them over the head with my Bible. (Although sometimes I still want to. Sigh!)
I’ve learned that being right in the wrong way makes Holy Spirit sad and of course, that makes me sad. So how can we solve this problem? How about this?
-Expect the best of everyone who is not you. That brings out the best in you.
-Encourage people to share their opinions so that you can have a better understanding of their viewpoint. That’s just good manners.
-Listen wisely. That means don’t let your mind keep calculating your next defense.
-Be slow to answer back as you process the information. S-l-o-w!
-Honor, honor, honor.
I really am straining forward for the upward call of God on my life. I know you are too.
I’m straining forward to have His mind and heart.
I’m straining forward to live in peace with all men.
I’m straining forward to give Him joy in my stewardship of His grace.
And I’m straining forward to be right (or wrong) in the right way. I think that’s called “being at peace with all men.” How about you?
If we are continually straining away from God’s wisdom and straining away from His instructions, we will never have His life in our lives. If our spirit is straining away from His Spirit, we will never have joy and peace.  The Spirit of God is all about unity and He promises that “if your WAYS please Him, He’ll make even your enemies to be at peace with you.” Notice He did not say that your great words or ability to convince will bring you peace-only God’s pleasure in your ways. Something to think about isn’t it?
Power Thought:
You can be right in the wrong way but that only leads to death (that means no life). Hmm.

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