Monday, January 23, 2012

Power of Going With the Flow

Key Scripture:  “Rivers of living water will flow (gush) from the heart of anyone who believes in me.” John 7:32
Power Point:
I love going with the flow. Years ago we had an opportunity as a family to go white water rafting on the Colorado River.  I was so terrified that I nearly threw up before I got on that yellow raft. We had a very good guide who of course sensed my fear and tried to put me at ease. There were two other strong men in the raft so ultimately I decided I’d be okay. (maybe).  Off we went and up came the river for all it was worth. It lasted for maybe 5-10 minutes. All I had to do was sit there and watch my son and the other men frantically maneuvering us through the rapids. The guide just smiled the whole time while yelling instructions at the men. When I knew I was probably going to be okay, I began to relax and actually enjoyed it. The interesting thing was that for the whole rest of the trip the water was perfectly calm and I got very, very bored! I had rather enjoyed being safely in the exuberant flow of that river.
It can seem a little scary at first-putting yourself in that little raft on the river of Life and seeing the rapids ahead but Beloved you have a very good guide.  He’s been this way before and He knows every inch of that course you are on. He actually can help you enjoy the ride. He will make you feel safe when it doesn’t look safe, peaceful when there is nothing but chaos, and connected when it looks as though you are alone.
Like my little trip up the river, in the really calm times of my life I can sometimes get a bit bored, I’ve learned not to mention that because usually when I do, the white water starts churning up and we’re off for the time of my life. I’m holding on for all I’m worth and my Guide is just smiling and giving me instructions.
The neat thing about Jesus is that He loves the “white water" as well as the calm stretches. in our lives. Neither one concerns Him at all. He knows where you’re going, what course to take and exactly how it will turn out. And He knows that the white water will just get you there faster.
I remember someone saying that when the storm arose in the boat and the disciples were afraid, Jesus was pretending to be asleep in the back of the boat, praying, “Stir it up Dad” This will be fun!”
There’s no time like the present to go with the flow of Holy Spirit. Put on your life jacket and hold on for all you’re worth. You’ll be there in no time.           
Power Thought:
Are you ready to say, “Stir it up Dad.  I’m ready. This will be fun!"?

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