Friday, November 30, 2012

Power Of Purpose

Key Scripture: But He’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously-take God seriously.”  Micah 6:8, The Message
Power Point:
     God is all about purpose. He never leaves out the "fun" part but He's got a plan for each and every one of us. Everything He does is "on purpose". I find that a lot of us choose to live by what we think and feel don't you? 
      What if each morning you talked to Holy Spirit and asked Him for a fresh wind of wisdom to fulfill His purpose for that day?  What if you asked Him to release His wisdom about real compassion and loyal love, and ask Him to help you shift your focus  into the lives of others? What if you asked Him to help you keep His words so that the fruit of your Vine would be abundant enough to feed everyone around you. What if you really understood the love of God for the world and then began to demonstrate it in your words, your actions?  What if love was our purpose?
What if we SO loved that we gave it all?
What would that look like in your life?  What can you give, who can you be so that others know real, compassionate, loyal love?
Do you ever get annoyed, frustrated, angry or impatient with the people in your life. I do.  What does God tell us to do? Love-not in our own love but through the Divine Connection with Perfect Love that lives within us.
The Love that Loves on purpose.  The love that encourages on purpose. The love that forgives on purpose.

Why don't we make that our declaration today? 
I will Love on purpose.  
I will forgive on purpose.
I will not tolerate Un-love, UN-compassion, strife or division. 
Not by might.  Not by power. But by the power of the Holy Spirit.
     The continual war that wages in me to think about myself more than others, or to be offended at the slightest thing is pure flesh. God's plan for me is to walk in pure Spiritual power. Is it possible? I think so. I think we have a choice, and a never-ending opportunity to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh.
It’s really based on where we make ourselves present isn’t it?  When the flesh stands at the front of the classroom, reading off the roll of who is present, don’t answer. Be purposefully present to the Spirit. Be present to His Spirit and alive in His presence.
Do justly. Love mercy. And walk humbly with your God.
That’s what Jesus would do. That's what He still does through you. On purpose.

Power Thought:
 When we make ourselves present to His Spirit, life and peace will flow. His purposes will be fulfilled. It will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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