Sunday, November 13, 2011

Power of Chain Reaction

Key Scripture: “Love is kind.”  I Corinthians 13:4 

"God's kindness changes things."  Romans 2:5

Power Point:
I was watching our local TV station this morning. It caught my eye because the screen was full of paper chains in beautiful colors hanging everywhere. The display originated from a poem by a young girl named Rachael Scott who was the first person killed in the Columbine massacre.  In it she said, "We need to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. If one person will go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a reaction of the same.”. Her words reminds me of Romans 2:5 when it says that the kindness of God leads us to think differently. One day, I realized that if it worked for Him, it would probably work for me! It was a stretch.  I always thought you were to convince people to do the right thing-you know, point out the error of their ways and then tell them how things should be done. But let’s look at this a little more closely. We are created in God’s image. Our destiny is to look like and act just like Jesus. Hmmm. How could I have missed the point all those years.  My sincere apologies to all the people who knew me before this Truth set me free.

God is always kind.  How do I know that? Because God is love and love is kind. I know some of you have heard rumors to the opposite but He really and truly is kind. When I opened my life to Him, Romans 2:5 was the exact scripture that He gave to me. It was His kindness that drew me to Him. And it’s taken many years but it is a deep appreciation for that quality of His in my own life that makes me want to be a link to others in kindness.

How about you? If we are to be like Jesus and only do what we see and hear from heaven, then
wouldn’t that mean that our most accurate representation of Him is kindness?  If we truly are led by His Spirit, we will be united, linked, if you will, to those around us just like that paper chain of kindness. As a teacher, I remember the smell of paste and the fun the children had putting paper chains together. We should have just as much fun linking ourselves to each other and to Him with kindness.  Don’t you think? You never know how far just a little kindness will go.
Kindness is contagious.  Who will you “infect” today?

Power Thought:I
This is a picture that Rachael drew in her journal. It says, "These hands belong to Rachael Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people's hearts. What do you think? Can we start a chain reaction of kindness today?

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