Thursday, November 24, 2011

Power of A Simple "Thank you!"

Key Scripture:  Enter with the password, “thank You!”  Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank Him.  Worship Him.”  Psalms 100, The Message
Power Point:
Don’t you love it when someone expresses gratitude to you? Doesn’t it just make your day? In my busy, walking-around life, I sometimes forget to simply say, “Thank You”.  As I am remembering past Thanksgivings today, I don’t remember telling my mom “thank you” for the wonderful meals she prepared. Now that I know what went into all the preparation, the days of planning and shopping, and getting the house ready for family to come. Well mom, here is a belated “Thank You!”
Is there someone in your life today that needs a simple “thank you”? It could be someone that you are with all the time and you just don’t always express your gratitude for their presence in your life.  It could be someone that is far away, that you don’t get to see that often but you are still grateful for them. Or maybe it’s someone who has had an influence in your life in the past that still blesses you in the present. They probably have no idea. Why don’t you tell them?
Today I am especially thinking about what God has done in my life and in the life of my family.  In Psalm 100 we are told to “enter into His presence with Thanksgiving: Did you know that the word, “thanksgiving’ means to confess His benefits? And the words, “give thanks” mean to point out His goodness to others. Evidently, when we show others how wonderful He is, and all the benefits we have from knowing Him, we are “giving thanks”.
When we have a thankful heart, when we  confess and express our thankfulness to Him and to others, it changes the atmosphere in us and around us. People have a deep need to be appreciated. We have a “hole in our soul” when we are taken for granted or just expected to do what we do for others. Will you heal the hole in someone’s soul today by telling them how thankful you are for them? Will you tell them how awesome God is and how blessed you are that God put them in your life? Will you “point out” the benefits in your life that have come as a direct result of knowing them?  And will you tell someone about the benefits in your life of knowing God?
Everyone needs a simple “thank you”. Oh, by the way "thank YOU! for being such faithful readers!
Power Thought
Being thankful is a full time job

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