Saturday, February 4, 2012

Power of Forgiveness

Key Scripture: “If we admit our sins-make a clean breast of them-He won't let us down; He'll be true to Himself.  He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing."  I John 1:9, The Message
Power Point:
There is an important point I want to make here so "Listen UP!" (Please!)  There is credible scientific evidence that it takes twenty-one days to change a habit. I think unforgiveness sometimes becomes a very bad habit. It’s almost as though the thoughts that accompany unforgiveness make deep grooves in your mind and even though you may have chosen to forgive someone, the old thoughts still try to come back. Even though you have chosen to forgive you’ll find yourself with a whole lot of "pre-forgiveness" ideas. Satan will try to make you think that if you are thinking those “unforgiving” thoughts you haven’t forgiven at all. He would be wrong.
Do you remember in I John 1:9 that Holy Spirit is very clear about the fact that if you ask God to forgive you He will do it. Period. End of discussion. BUT!  It may take some time to be healed of the bad memories and plant God’s word in the places you have uprooted.  Usually what happens is that Satan whispers the thought into your head that held you back before. It's a test! Beloved, just because he whispers it, does not mean its your thought. He’s just trying to push you back into that awful place you’ve just been set free from! Push him back, w-a-y back. You are in the process of being transformed by that precious Holy Spirit. Dig in to that fact. A renewed mind does not happen overnight. It is a journey.
Might I suggest some tangible ‘helps”?
Why not take “Post-Its” and write on them things like this:

- I live forgiving. God forgives me, I forgive them.
-I’ve already dealt with that..
-I am giving myself the gift of forgiveness.
Spread those "good words"  around your house, at your office, or in your car. Keep them in front of your eyes. Every time you see one of those “sticky-do’s”, remember that you are sticking to forgiveness. You are making a change for the better and your life will show it. Changing a bad thought habit takes time but it's well worth the effort. 
Power Thought:
The Truth will set you free.Thinking freely comes when you think the truth that sets you free

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