Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Power of Blind Spots

Key Scripture:  “For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness…therefore brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure for if you do these things you will never stumble.” II Peter 1:9,10
Power Point:
Sometimes when I’m driving I may not see the car in the lane next to me and I start to pull into their lane. I didn’t see them because they were in my “blind spot”, that area outside my car where I just couldn’t see the obvious. 
I think we are definitely the victims of spiritual blind spots at times don't you? We all have those areas in our lives where things are obvious to everyone but us. Because we can’t see them we can put ourselves into situations where we can stumble and trip ourselves up when they’re not dealt with.
Peter is following up a glorious discourse on the things that bring life and godliness to us. He says that if you do these things you won’t have any more blind spots. (Actually that’s the Suzanne translation!) He talks about the promises God has given us so that we can partner with Him in seeing clearly and changing our perspective and becoming more sure footed. If we are diligent in adding these things to our character it will keep us from being blind in any area.  He says we are to “complement our basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness and finally, generous love.”
I find it interesting that the end result of faith is love. Love begins with faith. It begins with knowing that God will make circumstances and relationships stronger because that’s His desire for us. If love is the goal, and He is your power source then you can persevere even if it doesn’t look like anything is happening. You fill your mind with God thoughts, and God directions and His peace and strength will come to your soul. Eventually you will sense a new kindness in your heart and finally His love for that person. I don’t think it’s an accident that dear Peter, with all his boisterous, impatient ways had obviously added these things to his own life. I believe that at the end of his life, Peter left a legacy of godly wisdom, a major increase in self-control and a humility, kindness and love for the brethren that everyone could see. Peter had an awesome gift for leadership, which, under the control of his flesh, caused a few problems (probably more than a few). As he grew in the Spirit, he could identify the things that were really important to God-the most important of which was love. He probably had started out a bit shortsighted in that department. As his love grew I think his blind spots disappeared. I think ours will too.
Our first job is to love God. Our next job is to love one another because we love God and because He told us that's how we show our love for Him.  The greatest power we will ever have in our lives is to love whoever He places in our lives. Now that’s being like Jesus.
So is love on the increase in your life? Beloved, love is really what brings heaven to earth.  In fact, it already did. Now it’s our turn. Once we were blind, but now we see.
Power Thought:
Are you blind to His grace and love or simply blinded by the beauty of it?

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